Movie Script
Movie Script: Elemental
ELEMENTAL Original Story by Peter Sohn John Hoberg & Kat Likkel Brenda Hsueh Screenplay by John Hoberg & Kat Likkel Brenda Hsueh Pixar Animation Studios 1. EXT. OCEAN - DAY Through the mist we see a glow. A small weathered boat breaks through, traveling toward camera. At first it appears the deck is on fire, but as the boat gets closer, we see the "fire" is actually two FIRE ELEMENTS, BERNIE and a very pregnant CINDER. TITLE: DISNEY PRESENTS They huddle together surrounded by suitcases and a small lantern that holds a BLUE FLAME. Bernie opens one of the suitcases, takes out a metallic shawl and lovingly wraps it around Cinder. It's been a long, tough journey. A shadow passes over them and they look up to see a hot air balloon soar overhead. And then, through the mist, Element City comes into view. At last they have arrived! It's awe inspiring -- there are skyscrapers covered with waterfalls, buildings with trees growing all over them, windmills, blimps, balloons, partially-submerged water boats and other vessels all make their way to the shore. EXT. GRAND GATEWAY DOCKS - DAY Bernie and Cinder step off the boat onto the dock and walk toward the main processing center (think of this like an otherworldly Ellis Island). They stare amazed as another boat pulls up, its deck covered in what looks like a forest. The gates open and we reveal the "forest" was a crowd of Earth Elements with trees growing out of their heads. EARTH BOAT ANNOUNCER (O.S.) Please keep all limbs and branches inside. Next, a submarine rises from the water. The front pops open and water gushes out, into a puddle that is littered with hats and suitcases. After a beat, Water Elements emerge from the puddle and gather their stuff. Two WATER PASSENGERS trade briefcases. WATER PASSENGER 2 Ohp! I believe this is yours. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 2. WATER PASSENGER 1 Oh, thanks! Bernie and Cinder try to take it all in. They look up to see a blimp land on a tall perch. A hatch opens and cloud-like Air Elements float out. As the passengers exit, the blimp deflates and lowers to the perch below, where more Air passengers float on board, causing it it puff back up. Bernie and Cinder join the crowd of Elements that walk into the immigration hall. They are the only Fire figures in the entire scene. INT. IMMIGRATION HALL - DAY - CONTINUOUS They enter the massive processing hall, slowly moving through the line. They look up to see an EPIC MURAL depicting the three waves of Elements that came together to form Element City so many years ago. Water was the first to arrive, followed by Earth and then Air. WOOD IMMIGRATION OFFICIAL (O.S.) Next! It's their turn for processing. They hurry over to a welcoming WOOD IMMIGRATION OFFICIAL WOOD IMMIGRATION OFFICIAL Your names? BERNIE �tr� d�r � B�rd� CINDER F�sh � S�dd�r WOOD IMMIGRATION OFFICIAL Great! And how do we spell that? Bernie, eager, makes a series of fire sounds. The official's smile drops a little, then bright: WOOD IMMIGRATION OFFICIAL How `bout we just go with Bernie and Cinder! The official presses his nose onto an ink pad and then onto a document on the table, leaving an official stamp. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 3. WOOD IMMIGRATION OFFICIAL Welcome to Element City! BIG DOORS OPEN revealing the bustling, busy city outside. EXT. ELEMENT CITY - STREET - SHORTLY AFTER TITLE: A PIXAR ANIMATION STUDIOS FILM HOT LOG VENDOR (O.S.) Hot logs! Hot logs for sale! It's like Manhattan at rush hour, crowded with various Elements -- we see Earth, Water and Air people moving about the city in slides and on boats. Large canals run between the city blocks and skyscrapers. But still Bernie and Cinder are the only Fire. Distracted, Bernie walks right THROUGH an Air Element. AIR ELEMENT Hey! Watch it "Sparky!" They spot an ELEVATED TRAIN as it zooms by, sending water cascading over the sides of the tracks. INT. TRAIN - SHORTLY AFTER Bernie and Cinder sit self-consciously in a train car clearly designed to accommodate Air, Earth and Water, but NOT Fire. The other passengers stand back from them and stare. The train LURCHES causing a nearby WATER GUY to stumble, splashing WATER on Cinder with a HISS. Cinder winces. Her flame shrinks and steams. Bernie quickly pulls some wood out of his bag and tenderly feeds it to her, repairing her fire. They both look to Cinder's pregnant belly -- that was close. Bernie then GLARES back at the Water Guy, furious. BERNIE Hmmmm. Water. EXT. ELEMENT CITY EARTH/WATER NEIGHBORHOODS They exit a train station and eagerly approach an Earth brownstone building with a "For Rent" sign in the window. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 4. An EARTH LANDLORD opens the door, but her eyes widen when she sees Bernie and Cinder. She points to her leafy hair: EARTH LANDLORD Dry leaves. Then slams the door in their faces. At another building, Cinder pushes a doorbell. It catches fire -- in a panic she blows it out, then acts casual. A WATER LANDLORD opens the door, sees the two of them and immediately slams the door. A series of more door slams. EXT. RUNDOWN NEIGHBORHOOD Dejected, Bernie and Cinder find themselves under the elevated train tracks, in a rundown, deserted neighborhood. They sit down to rest, exhausted, defeated. This is not how they hoped things would go. Suddenly, Bernie spots something. On the other side of a CANAL FILLED WITH WATER is a broken down building with a "For Sale" sign. Hope flashes in his eyes. He runs to the building. BERNIE (in Firish, excited) Kh� k� sh� sh! INT. BERNIE'S SHOP - DAY Bernie runs around, excited and full of ideas. BERNIE R� b�� kh�r! Utriksh! T'�� ss ks�r�f! Cinder, more skeptical, stands just inside the doorway. Water drips from A PIPE and almost hits her. Bernie bounds to her side. BERNIE Ha ha! He gestures excitedly, laying out his plan. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 5. BERNIE Ks�d�r � B�rd�! He continues running around. BERNIE Ha ha! SNAP his feet burn through a floorboard. He falls out of frame into the basement. BERNIE Ah!! His thumb shoots up through the hole: BERNIE I'm ok! INT. BERNIE'S SHOP - NIGHT Some time has passed. We hear a BABY CRY, and find Bernie and Cinder peacefully huddling with newborn EMBER, the Blue Flame at their side. They speak softly in Firish. CINDER �k� ss �r. BERNIE B� ss ks�r�f. Bernie reaches into the lantern and scoops some of the Blue Flame into his hands and pours it over baby Ember's head. A blessing. BERNIE Oh. Delighted and proud, Bernie holds her up and smiles. BERNIE Welcome, my Ember, to your new life. Baby Ember takes it in. She may not know what her father is saying but she can feel the love and excitement. TITLE: ELEMENTAL �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 6. INT. BERNIE'S SHOP - LATER We start to PICK UP MOMENTUM as life continues on. -- Bernie holds the Blue Flame lantern as Ember, now a toddler, watches. He pours the flame carefully into a large empty cauldron. BERNIE Our Blue Flame hold all our traditions and give us strength to burn bright. Ember climbs up to the cauldron's edge. She watches in awe as the flame grows. It shoots up and she's knocked back! Ember takes in the brightness of the flame. Bernie steps in front of the cauldron. BERNIE Do I burn as bright? Goofing around, he flexes. BERNIE Hnnng. ERgggg. Hmmmm! -- The shop is mid-construction. Bernie pushes the BLUE FLAME CAULDRON into place as Ember, now big enough to stand on it, cheers him on. Cinder lovingly watches them as she hangs a curtain. LITTLE KID EMBER One, two! One, two! One, two! -- Bernie and Ember stand in front of an oscillating fan, taking turns making goofy faces and sounds. LITTLE KID EMBER Aaaaaahhhhhh. BERNIE Aaaaaahhhhhh. LITTLE KID EMBER Aaaaaahhhhhh. -- Bernie and Ember work on the shop sign together. Bernie writes "FIREPLACE" and Ember burns in a small flame design. TIME JUMP, the SIGN hangs over the front door of the shop. Bernie climbs down the ladder and joins Ember. They admire the sign together. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 7. BERNIE This shop is dream of our family! And someday it'll all be yours Hers?? Ember's eyes grow in excitement. From that moment on, THIS is what she wants -- to be a good daughter and to take over the shop. TIME JUMP. The place is coming together. It's a bit corny, and over the top, but it's what Bernie wants: a shrine to Fire Land. INT. BERNIE'S SHOP Opening day. A fresh pot of Lava Java is ready to serve. A CUSTOMER enters, blown away by the decor. Bernie, Cinder and Ember light up! BERNIE Welcome! CINDER Welcome! BERNIE Everything here authentic. FIRST CUSTOMER Then I've got to try the kol-nuts. BERNIE Kol-nuts coming up! Ember sits on the counter next to Bernie. Imitating him, she taps on her own homemade toy register. LITTLE KID EMBER Kol-nut coming up! BERNIE (laugh) Good daughter. Together, Ember and Bernie prepare the order, squeezing logs in their palms to make bite size pieces of coal. Ember hands them to the customer. LITTLE KID EMBER Some day this shop will all be mine! �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 8. Bernie tousles her flame. BERNIE (laughs) When you are ready. EXT. BERNIE'S SHOP - NIGHT Time lapse of outside the shop. The community develops and more Fire Elements arrive. EXT. FIRE TOWN - A FEW YEARS LATER Ember, a bigger kid now, sits on her dad's shoulders as they ride a scooter around town, making deliveries. BERNIE BIG KID EMBER Delivery! Delivery! INT. BERNIE'S SHOP - ANOTHER YEAR The shop is even busier. Two FIRE KIDS approach the counter. FIRE KID 1 Two sugar pops please! The bigger kid places a few coins on the counter in front of Bernie and Ember. BIG KID EMBER I got it, �shf�! Ember grabs a sugar pop and sculpts it. She molds the pop to look exactly like the kid. She hands it to them and their eyes grow in AWE. The littler kid takes a chomp. FIRE KID 1 Hey! Just then, across the store, TWO WATER TEENAGERS enter. They laugh and jokingly push each other, splashing water and knocking things over. Bernie gives Ember a nod. BERNIE Water. Keep an eye on them. Ember SALUTES and slinks off. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 9. In an aisle, the snickering Water Teens take turns pouring water onto flaming souvenirs, putting them out. WATER TEENAGER 1 Oops! WATER TEENAGER 2 Oops! A roiling Ember jumps in front of them. BIG KID EMBER You splash it you buy it! Ember's eye's narrow, then she suddenly FLARES big!The Water Teenagers boil. A souvenir torch POPs from one of their hands and Ember catches it. The punks run sloppily out. EXT. BERNIE'S SHOP - RIGHT AFTER Ember stands in the doorway, smirking as the Water Teenagers run off. Bernie walks up with a smile. BERNIE You show them, huh? (yells after) Nobody waters down Fire! Ember shakes her fist. BIG KID EMBER
Yeah! (cursing in Firish) Sh�sh� r �sh�! Bernie, startled, can't help but laugh. Ember looks up at him. BIG KID EMBER Can the shop be mine now? Bernie hugs her and tousles her flame. BERNIE When you are ready. INT. BERNIE'S SHOP - MORE YEARS LATER We jump ahead more years. A Fire soap opera plays on a television above the counter. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 10. SOAP OPERA WOMAN (melodramatic) The truth is... Two shop regulars, FLARRY and FLARRIETTA, watch the show while Cinder stacks "Kiss Me I'm Firish" shirts: CINDER She's not in love with him. SOAP OPERA WOMAN (melodramatic) ...I'm NOT in love with you! CINDER (loud, cocky) Ha! Knew it! At the counter, TEENAGE Ember is next to Bernie making coal nuts. She has surpassed him in speed, as he's slowed down. A CUSTOMER approaches the register. TEENAGE EMBER �shf�, customer. BERNIE How about... (this is a first) You take it today. Ember's eyes grow. This is a big deal. TEENAGE EMBER (thrilled) For real? She beams. Words she's waited to hear since she was a kid. She confidently walks to the register with a smile. Bernie backs away, thumbs up. Ember takes a deep breath. TEENAGE EMBER R�� kh�f! How can I help you? A customer with GLASSES places a METAL BASKET filled with small items on the counter -- next to it is a BUCKET filled with dozens of individual SPARKLERS. SPARKLER CUSTOMER All this, and the-- oh! The sparklers are `buy one get one free?' �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 11. TEENAGE EMBER That's right! SPARKLER CUSTOMER Great! I'll just take the free one. The customer grabs a sparkler and lights it. TEENAGE EMBER Oh, no, see, you need to buy one to get one free. Ember nicely takes the sparkler from the customer and blows it out. SPARKLER CUSTOMER But I just want the free one. The customer grabs another sparkler from the bucket. TEENAGE EMBER Sorry that's not how this works. Ember takes that sparkler from the customer a bit more emphatically. SPARKLER CUSTOMER But the customer is always right. TEENAGE EMBER (trying to be nice) Not in this case... A beat, then in QUICK succession, the customer grabs another, Ember grabs it, they go back and forth, as Ember's frustration builds and she gathers a BOUQUET of sprinklers in her hand: TEENAGE EMBER (blows between each nope) Nope. Nope. Nope! NOPE! NOPE! NOPE!! NOPE!! SPARKLER CUSTOMER Just give me one for free!! TEENAGE EMBER THAT'S NOT HOW THIS WORKS!! Suddenly, with a handful of sparklers, Ember's flame turns purple and she EXPLODES. A HUGE KABOOM! It clears, revealing devastation -- the customer's basket has fused with all the items into one melted smoking blob. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 12. There's a black scorch mark on the floor and other small fires smoke here and there -- It was a BIG explosion. Bernie pops into frame. BERNIE Oh! He grabs a few of the unlit sparklers, sticks them in the basket blob, blows on the them to LIGHT THEM, and hands it to the customer. BERNIE Happy birthday! Bernie quickly walks Ember out from behind the counter. Ember is shocked and upset. BERNIE What just happened? Why you lose temper? TEENAGE EMBER I, I don't know. He was pushing and pushing and it just--!! BERNIE Calm, calm. Sometimes customer can be tough. Just take breath (breath) and make connection -- Ember nods, taking this in. Bernie sweetly puts her apron back on. BERNIE When you can do that, and not lose temper, then you will be ready to take over shop. INT. BERNIE'S SHOP - SEVERAL YEARS LATER - PRESENT DAY TITLE OVER BLACK: SEVERAL YEARS LATER We COME UP ON THE SHOP, behind Ember at the counter. She's across from a complaining CUSTOMER: CUSTOMER ...This is too expensive and that is not made in Fire Land... EMBER Take breath, make connection. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL13.
CUSTOMER EMBER And they weren't crunchy and (breath) there wasn't enough sauce. I Take breath, make connection. think this is rotten and you touch everything... Close on Ember's face, bright red with licks of purple. CUSTOMER (O.S.) EMBER Do you even have a license (build) for this? Why are you Take breath, make connection. breathing like that? Take breath-- EMBER --MAKE CONNECTION!!!! KA-BLAM. She EXPLODES. The large glass in the front counter SMASHES to pieces. CUSTOMER Ah! EMBER deflates, frustrated, and gives a GENUINE sorry look to shell-shocked customer: EMBER (embarrassed laugh) Sorry. Sorry about that. Sorry, sorry. The shop regulars, FLARRY and FLARRIETTA, sit at a table with a FIRE DANGER sign. Flarry moves the arrow to the edge of purple. FLARRIETTA She almost went full purple! I've never seen anyone go full purple! EMBER (to the shop) Sorry everyone. Bernie hurries over to the customer. BERNIE Oh, please forgive my daughter. She burn bright, but sometimes TOO bright, eh? He blows out a burning flower on the customer's hat. BERNIE Nice hat by the way. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 14. BERNIE Let me make you a new batch! On the house! The still stunned customer nods and walks away. CUSTOMER Okay. Ember jumps over the counter to scoop up all the glass pieces... while she cleans: EMBER Sorry �shf�. I don't know why that one got away from me. She puts the glass in her mouth and starts chewing. Bernie moves into a station next to the counter that's filled with coals, he starts making the kol-nuts. BERNIE Oh you are tense because of big Red Dot Sale tomorrow. It has us all at a broil. Ember spits out the glass in a long glowing tube that she blows and molds into a pane. EMBER I guess. It's just, some of these customers, they get me all, grrr. She accidentally smooshes the glass in her hands. Oops. BERNIE I know, I know. Just do what we practice. You are SO good at everything else. EMBER You're right. I'll get it. I just want you to rest. Ember blows on the glass, smoothing it into shape. This is a natural talent of her's and she's proud of it. EMBER Mmhmm. She sets the glass into place. EMBER Done. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 15. Bernie goes back to making kol-nuts but bursts into a COUGHING fit. EMBER You okay? BERNIE Just tired. EMBER Let me help. She helps him off the coals and climbs in the station to take over. From across the store: FLARRY Bernie, that cough is terrible. FLARRIETTA Almost as terrible as your cooking. BERNIE ��tsh... FLARRIETTA When you gonna put Ember out of her misery and retire, huh? Finally put her name on the sign out there? BERNIE Ah, she take over when she's ready. Ember's face briefly sinks. Not the answer she wanted. She hides the disappointment, puts her shields up and covers: EMBER And speaking of "ready," we are MORE than ready for you to actually BUY something, if you'd ever get up off your lazy ash. The shop reacts with laughter and an "Oh! Burn!" FLARRIETTA Burn! (laugh) BERNIE (reassuring) But she is SO close. (then a challenge) (MORE) �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 16. BERNIE (CONT'D) I mean, she'll probably never do deliveries as quick as me... Ember puts the last kol-nut into the basket. She picks up a counter timer and cranks it. EMBER You don't think I can beat your record? Because I've been taking it easy on you so I don't hurt your feelings, Mr. Smokestack. EMBER But game on! Bernie watches with a smile as Ember hurries to pack up deliveries. INT. BERNIE'S SHOP - SAME TIME At the back of the shop, a beaded curtain hangs over the entrance to the hearth. A sandwich board advertises match making services. Ember whizzes by, collecting things for her delivery. We hear Cinder's voice from inside the hearth. CINDER (O.S.) Before I see... INT. CINDER'S MATCHMAKING OFFICE - CONTINUOUS This looks like a fortune teller's room. CINDER sits on one side of a table across from a young, nervous FIRE COUPLE. In the center of the table stand two sticks. CINDER (CONT'D) ...if you are a match, I splash this on your heart to bring love to the surface. Cinder splashes them with oil. CINDER And I will read the smoke. They each light a stick and Cinder studies the smoke. Cinder leans in, excited. Just then, Ember throws open the curtains with a WHOOSH. The smoke dissipates. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 17. CINDER Ember! I'm doing a reading! EMBER Sorry, gotta grab some stuff. Ember starts collecting items. EMBER Going for Dad's record. FIRE GUY So... are we a match? CINDER It's true love! She turns toward Ember. CINDER Which is more than I ever smelled on this one. EMBER (rolls her eyes) Oh goodie. This ol' chestnut. As Ember moves toward the exit, Cinder grabs her arm and sniffs it. CINDER (sniff) Yup, nothing. Just a loveless sad future of sadness. Ember turns to leave but her mom stops her again. CINDER Ember! Work with me! Ember rolls her eyes. CINDER You finding match was my mother's dying wish! INT. BEDROOM - FLASHBACK Ember's grandmother lays in bed with the family around. GRANDMOTHER Promise me one thing -- marry fire. Uhh. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 18. POOF, she's gone. INT. CINDER'S MATCHMAKING OFFICE - BACK TO SCENE Everyone is where we left them. EMBER Nice try, Mom. Gotta go! Ember exits and Cinder turns back to the couple who are now full-on making out. Cinder picks up a spray bottle and squirts. CINDER Save it for the wedding! FIRE GUY (react to spray bottle) Hey! EXT. BERNIE'S SHOP - SOON AFTER Ember exits the shop rushing boxes to her scooter. CLOD, a pubescent EARTH BOY, pops out of a planter. He follows Ember as she loads her bike. CLOD Yo yo yo Ember! EMBER Yo Clod. Can't talk, in a hurry. And don't let my dad catch you out here again. Clod combs his hair with a gardening fork. CLOD What? C'mon. He doesn't like my "laaandscaping?" Ember gives a half-smirk but keeps loading. EMBER Uff. CLOD Anyway, June Bloom is coming and you just got to be my date. Cause check it out! I'm all grown up! �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 19. He lifts up his arm revealing a small flower. CLOD (sniff sniff) And I smell goooood. He plucks the armpit flower and holds it out to her, kneeling. CLOD Ow! My queen. Ember takes the flower. POOF it burns. EMBER Sorry buddy. Elements don't mix. Ember LOOKS through the front window of the shop at the TIMER on the counter. EMBER Flame! Gotta go! She gets back to business. But Clod is persistent. CLOD Come on! Go to the festival with me! You never leave this part of town. EMBER That's because everything I need is right here. Just then a WATER TRAIN passes by on an elevated track. Water splashes and Ember swiftly pops open her umbrella. She looks at the train crossing the bridge, annoyed. By contrast, Clod happily soaks up the shower. EMBER Plus the city isn't made with Fire people in mind. Irritated, she closes her umbrella and hops on her scooter. EMBER Sorry, but it'd take an act of God to get me to cross that bridge. CLOD An act of God or an act of... Clod? Ember starts her scooter and pulls away. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 20. EMBER Gotta run! She drives off. EXT. FIRE TOWN - CONTINUOUS We follow Ember as she makes her deliveries. And while she might seem TENSE in the shop, out here she seems FREE. -- She makes a delivery to a CHIMNEY STORE. They, in turn, give her gift. -- Ember pulls up to a HOT LOGS CART. She holds out a package. A FIRE CHEF pops up from the grill and takes it. -- Ember pulls up to a FIRE COUPLE pushing a charcoal grill down the sidewalk. She hands them a bottle of lighter fluid. EMBER As ordered. They lift the lid off the grill, revealing a tiny FIRE BABY keeping warm over the charcoals. One of the parents feeds the baby the bottle. The baby sucks on it and burbs flames. EMBER Gotta run! Going for dad's record. -- Ember is behind a SLOW old truck carrying wood. She loses her patience. EMBER Move it! She manuevers her scooter around the truck. She turns back, shakes her fist and calls back. EMBER Sh�sh� r �sh�! -- SHOTS CUTTING FASTER -- Ember delivers sandbags to a SMOKE CLEANERS experiencing a water leak. -- She hands off a parcel outside a WOODSHOP. -- She races by a FIREWORKS COMPANY dropping off a box of FIREWORKS. Kids swarm around the box, the contents explode and they cheer. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 21. Ember drives off with the fireworks going off behind her. The sequence ends with Ember racing home, happy, free. INT. BERNIE'S SHOP - THAT NIGHT The shop's OPEN sign is turned inward. Ember rushes in, celebrating. EMBER Ha ha! Winner winner charcoal dinner-- She sees something and quickly catches the door so it won't slam. We reveal Bernie asleep at the counter, pen in hand and surrounded by sheets of red dot stickers. Ember softly shuts the door and tip toes in. She smiles lovingly, then cleans up the papers and drapes a chainmail shawl over his shoulders. He wakes with a SMOKE COUGH. Ember gently pulls a red dot sticker off his cheek. EMBER Head to bed. I'll close things up. Bernie gets up and Ember follows. BERNIE Still have much to prepare for Red Dot Sale. EMBER Dad, I'll take care of it. You need to rest. Just then the TIMER rings. Bernie looks at the timer, then to Ember with excitement. BERNIE How? EMBER I learned from the best. They share a warm laugh. Ember puts a hand on Bernie's back and leads him across the shop. As they approach the Blue Flame, Bernie starts coughing again. BERNIE I am old. I can't do this forever. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 22. He picks up a stick from the base of the Blue Flame's cauldron. BERNIE Now that you have beaten my time there is only one thing you haven't done... tomorrow I sleep in. And I want YOU to run shop for Red Dot sale. EMBER Seriously?? By myself?? BERNIE If you can do that without losing your temper, it will show me you are able to take over. He breaks the twig in two and hands a piece to Ember. EMBER (this is HUGE) You got it �shf�. Bernie holds the twig with both hands and closes his eyes. Then he tosses it into the Blue Flame. Ember beams. EMBER I won't let you down. I swear. You'll see. They share a warm hug. BERNIE Hmm. Good daughter. Bernie slowly climbs the stairs. Ember watches him go, then flares up, excited. EMBER Yes! Ember turns to the Blue Flame. Just like Bernie, she holds her stick and closes her eyes before tossing it into the cauldron. EMBER Blue Flame, please let this go my way. 2023 DISNEY PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 23. EXT. FIRETOWN - SAME TIME We look over the smoky rooftops of Firetown toward Element City. EXT. BERNIE'S SHOP - THE NEXT MORNING The streets of Firetown are waking up. INT. BERNIE'S SHOP - CONTINUOUS We see QUICK SHOTS of EMBER slapping RED DOT STICKERS on items. She stands at the front door and takes a moment to adjust the RED DOT SALE pin on her apron. EMBER Take a breath. (breath) Calm as a candle. She rolls up the front window shade and sees a wall of customers waiting to come in. Her eyes go wide for a moment but then she puts on a smile and opens the door. EMBER Morning. Welcome to the Fireplace-- Customers RUSH in and she's practically trampled. We go to a series of POPS of the sale. It's chaotic, like Black Friday. Ember fights to keep her cool. -- A CUSTOMER yanks on a can at the bottom of a pyramid display, shaking the whole stack. Ember rushes up. EMBER Whoa whoa, they're all the same. Just take one from the top. (then, chipper) Thanks for shopping. -- A CUSTOMER heaves an armload of red stickers onto the counter STICKER CUSTOMER (effort) So many stickers for sale! -- A customer sweeps a whole shelf of Blue Flame trinkets into a basket. 2023 DISNEY PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL24. TRINKET CUSTOMER Are these fragile? EMBER No wait! SMASH. Several trinkets fall and break. -- Ember stops a CUSTOMER from putting a log in their mouth: EMBER You have to pay before you eat. -- A crescendo of SUPER QUICK SHOTS of Ember at the register. All she can see is faces and questions and items being shoved toward her. CUSTOMERS Does this come in a large? / What's your return policy? / These glasses are backward. / I want a refund. / I'm next!! / Has anyone seen my husband? INTERCUT TO CLOSE UPS OF EMBER TRYING TO BREATH THROUGH ANGER. EMBER (through gritted teeth) Take breath. A kid holds up a broken toy. KID CUSTOMER My dad broke this. EMBER (through gritted teeth) Make connection... A high-pitched kettle starts to whistle. KETTLE CUSTOMER Mind if I test this kettle? It's too much. Ember is on the verge of EXPLODING. Smoke building and fire roiling. With gritted teeth and a SUPER STRAINED voice, her color starts turning more purple... EMBER Be back in 5 minutes! 2023 DISNEY PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL25. She rushes awkwardly out, sparks and flame blasting, hands covering her mouth, barely contained. INT. BERNIE'S SHOP - BASEMENT Ember rushes down the basement steps, her fire SPITTING AND SPARKING. She hurries to an area away from the door and LETS IT OUT! EMBER AHHHHHH! Her fire BLASTS. As the smoke clears, there's a LOUD VIBRATION from a pipe. CUT TO upstairs, the pipes in the shop are vibrating too. The customers look around, concerned. Back in the basement, the pipe cracks and SHOOTS a fire-hose- like stream of water right at Ember! It douses part of her flame and she ducks away. More streams burst from the pipe, spraying all over the basement. Ember panics. Water is SPRAYING EVERYWHERE, filling the basement and HURTING HER. She has to dodge the spray. Thinking quick, she picks up an umbrella and, getting STUNG by water, jumps toward the pipe. She uses her hands to heat the pipe and weld the crack, stopping the leak. Then, she surveys the damage. The basement is completely flooded. EMBER Oh no no no no no. (whispering, total panic) Stupid temper! Not today! Ember's flame is damaged. She quickly grabs sticks from a bucket and eats them, growing her flame. EMBER What is wrong with me? Just then, A PICTURE FRAME floats to the surface of the water and starts to move. 2023 DISNEY PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL26. Then two streams of water fountain up out of the pool and two hands holding the frame appear... WADE sits up out of the water, bawling his eyes out. EMBER What the--? He looks at the picture, moved, crying. WADE What a happy family. Is that you and your DAD?? The frame holds a photo of young Ember and her parents. She is held up by Bernie, blowing fire on a birthday cake, the candles sparking. WADE I love dads. And it's your birthday! His tears splash Ember. EMBER Who are you? What are you doing here? WADE (still crying) I don't know! I was searching for a leak on the other side of the river and got sucked in. This is bad! I can't lose another job! I just can't seem to find my flow. He stands, revealing himself for the first time. And he's HUNKY, CUT. Ember can't help but notice. EMBER Dang. Then Wade looks down at himself. WADE Ugh, that pipe squished me all out of shape. He shakes and PLOPS back into his regular bouncy Wade shape. WADE That's better. 2023 DISNEY PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL27. EMBER Dude, just get out of here. I gotta clean this mess before my dad sees what I did. WADE Ooo, actually... Wade sloshes his way over to a junction of several pipes. Frowning, her pulls a notepad and pen out from under his shirt. WADE I'm afraid I'm going to have to write you a ticket. He starts scribbling on the pad. EMBER A ticket?? WADE Yeah. I'm a city inspector. And this pipe is definitely not up to code. EMBER I sucked a city inspector into our pipes?? WADE I know, ironic, right? Wade taps on the pipe. EMBER Stop messing with that! WADE I need to make sure it's solid. EMBER Everything's solid. I should know. My dad re-built this place himself. WADE Wait, your dad did? EMBER Yes! With his bare hands. Every brick and board. It was a ruin when he found it. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 28. WADEWow. He did all of this himself? (getting weepy) Without permits? EMBERUh... Wade's tears start to flow again. WADE I'm gonna have to write that up too. First I'm sucked into a pipe and now I have to write citations that could get this place shut down. Oh gosh, it's just too much! Ember instantly FLAMES UP. EMBERShut us DOWN?? WADEI know! It's awful! EMBERNo! You can't shut us down. Please! This is a big day for me. It's our Red Dot Sale! Ember flares her arms out trying to grab the ticket book. WADEHey, take it easy. This is as hard on me on as it is on you. EMBERGet back here!! Wade runs for the other side of the room. WADESorry! I gotta get these to city hall before the end of my shift. He slips out a basement window. Ember lunges after him. She looks at her Red Dot Sale button then rips off her apron, tosses it on the ground. EMBERFlame! 2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL29. BEHIND HER we see another pipe-joint begin to leak -- the problem is NOT over, but she doesn't notice. She climbs out the window and chases after Wade. EMBERGet back here! REVEAL Bernie looking out the window. He sees Ember chase Wade down the street. BERNIEHmm? EXT. FIRETOWN - RIGHT AFTER Ember chases Wade to the the train PLATFORM -- the train she said it'd take an act of God for her to get on. TRAIN ANNOUNCER (O.S.)Next stop, Element City. Down the platform, Wade, not seeing Ember, steps into a waiting train. She has to follow. Crap. She looks back at Firetown. As the doors start to close, Ember throws on her hood and SLIPS into the last car. INT. ELEVATED TRAIN CAR - RIGHT AFTER She scans for Wade. But the train is CROWDED -- and Ember is right -- the city is definitely NOT made with Fire Elements in mind. She tries to work her way toward the front, carefully squeezing past a HUGE grassy Earth Element, but the train lurches. EMBERWhoa! She slams into the grass man. POOF his grass burns up leaving a very skinny guy. EARTH ELEMENTHay! EMBERSorry! 2023 DISNEY PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 30. She looks ahead, there's Wade. But it's too crowded for her to squeeze through. There has to be another way. Thinking fast, she climbs out a window. EXT. TRAIN - RIGHT AFTER Ember's fire is whipped by the wind as she inches along the outside of the train car. It's dangerous -- Water SPLASHES from the aqueduct and they're fast approaching tunnel under a GIANT waterfall! In a panic, Ember melts her way through a window-- INT. TRAIN CAR - CONTINUOUS -- and into the train car, just in time. But it's pitch black because of the tunnel. She's the only light source. She moves through the car looking for Wade and illuminating startled Elements. Then she sees a flame hovering in front of her. Odd. EMBER Huh? She moves closer... could it be her own reflection? EMBER What the? Just then the train exits the tunnel and the car is bright again and she sees that what she was looking at was her reflection was on the back of Wade's head! But she's got the tickets in sight. They're in his hand. She's so close. She slowly reaches toward them, but her heat causes Wade's hand to quietly BOIL... TRAIN ANNOUNCER (O.S.) THIS STOP CITY HALL. Feeling this, Wade looks down and is startled see Ember is still following him. WADE Ah ah ah! Hands off! He quickly whips the tickets away from her and hurries out the open doors. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 31. EMBER Gah! She follows but has to dodge passengers loading onto the train. EMBER Ooh, sorry. EXT. ELEMENT CITY - TRAIN STATION - RIGHT AFTER Ember exits the train to find that she's in the middle of her worst nightmare -- a city crowded with ELEMENTS. EMBER Ugh. Then she spots Wade at the bottom of the stairs, headed toward a busy street. He weaves easily through the crowds. EMBER Stop!! The chase is on. Ember rushes down a busy staircase... she flails, collides with other people and tumbles down the steps into a lamp post. But she's not giving up. She leaps to her feet. EMBER Stop!! She gets to the busy street and stops for traffic just as an AIR ELEMENT steps in front of a car. POOF! He's hit, then reforms, his jacket laying in the street. AIR ELEMENT Aw! My new jacket. Ember bolts across the street. EXT. STREET - VARIOUS - RIGHT AFTER Ember races down the sidewalk toward Wade who passes a NURSERY SCHOOL BUS. He easily hops over the crowd of little EARTH KIDS. Ember follows, but the kids are blocking her path. Thinking fast, she pops open her umbrella and flares up. Like a hot air balloon, she lifts up and over the kids. They're amazed. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 32. She keeps soaring until she passes over the EARTH KIDS. Suddenly, her umbrella melts and gives out. She falls to the ground landing hard, then springs to her feet and keeps chasing Wade who now realizes he's being chased. Yikes! He takes a sharp left, appearing to splash into the side of a building. Ember skids to a stop and sees he's slipped into a very narrow space between two buildings. She squeezes her fire and follows him. Crammed, they both shimmy through the extremely tight passageway. Wade makes it to the other side but his ticket book gets stuck in the crack. He desperately pulls and gets it free JUST as Ember bursts from the crack and swipes for the ticket book. But Wade gets away and darts through traffic toward City Hall as Ember follows. EXT. CITY HALL - CONTINUOUS Wade hurries to the building with Ember still in hot pursuit. She swipes a bottle of CHILI OIL from a DIRT BURGER VENDOR's cart. DIRT BURGER VENDOR My chili oil! Ember makes it to City Hall first and jumps in front of Wade's path, exhausted. She sprays the oil in a line in front of her then stomps on it creating a HUGE WALL OF FIRE. EMBER Come on, guy. You can't get through this. So it is time to hand `em over. WADE Oh boy. I'm sorry. This is going to be really disappointing for you-- Wade steps onto a drain and PLOP disappears, then pops up through another grate on the other side of Ember right next to the building. He hurries inside. EMBER Oh no no no no no no... But he rushes into a revolving door. EMBER No no no no no no! �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 33. WADE Sorry! And slips into the building. Ember's flame shrinks in defeat. EMBER Please! No! You don't understand. Ember slumps on the steps, her fire dims and reveals an inner prismatic light. ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE DOORS, Wade puts the tickets in a canister. But just as he's putting the canister into a vacuum tube -- FOOMP! -- he SEES caustics cast on the wall from Ember's prismatic light. WADE Whoa. He turns to see Ember outside, desperate, pleading to the closed door, more to herself, her light private, prismatic, vulnerable. EMBER The shop is my dad's dream, if I'm the reason it gets shut down it will kill him. INSIDE, Wade's face looks pained, empathetic. WADE Aw. EMBER He will never trust me to take over. Wade comes out of the building. WADE Why didn't you say that before? Ember INSTANTLY ZIPS her fire up, shields on. EMBER Wait, does that mean you'll tear up the tickets? WADE I mean, I would. But I just sent them over to the processing department. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 34. Wade gestures to the root vacuum system inside the doors. Ember grips her head in frustration. WADE But, I can take you there so you can plead your case. Ember looks back at him, hopeful again. INT. CITY HALL - HALLWAY - RIGHT AFTER Ember and Wade travel down a dim hallway. Above them, a system of pulsing VINES lead to a door at the end of the hall. INT. FERN'S OFFICE - CONTINUOUS Wade opens the door into a jungle of an office. Ember follows him in through a tangle of leafy vines. Wade walks through a branch. It snaps back at Ember and she ducks. EMBER Whoa! They break through to find an overgrown Earth Element, FERN, a low-key humorless bureaucrat with PILES of paper in his inbox. Behind his desk are a series of vacuum tubes made from VINES. WADE Hey, Fern! How you doing? FERN Living the dream. Fern inserts a roll of papers into a canister. WADE You know those citations I just gave you from Firetown? FERN I was about to send them to Mrs. Cumulus then get sprayed for fungus rot. Fern moves to put the canister into the tube. EMBER WADE Wait! Wait! �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 35. WADE (sotto to Ember) Tell him what you told me. About your dad and letting him down. EMBER (sotto) No. That's personal. WADE (sotto) It really got to me. He might feel it too... Wade keepings talking as Ember tries to cover his mouth. WADE Her dad will be sup-- EMBER Nope! WADE Sup-- EMBER Nope! WADE Super disa-- She then grabs Fern's nameplate and, SPLTT!, shoves it into Wade's mouth. WADE --ppointed in her. Ember is triggered by Wade exposing her. EMBER Stop it! Wade keeps talking with the nameplate in his head. WADE (to Fern) He might even be... Ember shoves a globe into his face, knocking out the nameplate... WADE (full mouth) ...ASHAMED. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 36. EMBER What are you doing? Ember's flame starts to show some PURPLE. She starts stress breathing. WADE (to Fern, weepy) But the main thing is if her father can't retire... Fern moves the canister closer to the tube. WADE ...It will be ALL EMBER'S.. FFFF- EMBER CUTS HIM OFF! EMBER STOP TALKING! Ember EXPLODES in a ball of fire. When the smoke clears we see ALL of the stacks of citations have been fried. Except Ember's that are in the canister. Wade douses a still flaming bobble head. Fern's charred desk collapses. FERN Looks like I'm going home early today. He puts the canister into the tube. EMBER No, don't-- The tickets shoot out of the office. Failure. FERN Expect to get shut down within a week. Have a good one. Fern hands Ember a brochure. She takes it and turns away, dejected. Wade watches, concerned. WADE Sorry. EXT. BERNIE'S SHOP - LATER Ember walks, dejected, over the culvert bridge. She stares at the brochure Fern gave her -- there's a chipper cartoon of an element being booted out of their business, along with the words "So your business is being shut down!" �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 37. As she approaches the shop she sees a "closed" sign on the door and goes into an instant panic: EMBER What?! INT. BERNIE'S SHOP - CONTINUOUS Ember enters the shop, concerned. EMBER Already?? She looks around the empty shop and tucks the brochure into her pocket. EMBER Hello? She hears Bernie coughing in the basement. She rushes downstairs and freezes: pipes are now bursting and leaking EVERYWHERE. Her parents are desperately trying to repair the damage. Bernie stands precariously on top of a ladder. EMBER Oh no. Dad! What happened?? BERNIE We lucky nobody hurt. It RUIN Red Dot Sale! Did he do this? EMBER Who? BERNIE The Water guy I see you chase. Water drips onto Bernie's face. BERNIE (pain) Ah! EMBER Oh, uh, um... Ember weighs this for a moment, as she hops off the stairs and begins repairing a pipe. She could come clean. But instead... �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 38. EMBER Yeah. He did. Uh, he just broke through a pipe. (clears throat) I don't know why. Luckily I was able close it off. I, uh, couldn't catch him though. Bernie flares up. BERNIE Water. Always trying to water us down! EMBER He was a Water PERSON, dad, not just water. BERNIE (grumble) Same thing. And why is water in pipes? City shut down years ago. There should be NO WATER! Bernie's fury causes a coughing fit. He falls over backward. BERNIE Ah! EMBER Dad!!! Ember catches him just before he hits the water. CINDER Bernie! Bernie coughs. Cinder leads him to the stairs. CINDER We will get through this. Just like before. EMBER Before? Bernie sits, Cinder looks to Ember. CINDER There is a reason we left Fire Land. Cinder holds Bernie's arm, she wants to talk about it. Bernie looks down. Cinder smiles at a memory. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 39. She's almost talking MORE to Bernie, reassuring him they did the right thing -- she KNOWS his deeper wound. CINDER Oh, Ember. We loved it there so much. Most everyone had a Blue Flame, and it connected us all together... EXT. FIRE LAND - FLASHBACK Fade to an aerial view of Fire Land, glowing homes clustered on a rocky hillside. CINDER our traditions, our family. The camera passes ground-floor windows and we get FLEETING GLIMPSES of FAMILY FLAMES, until we stop at a window of a FAMILY SHOP that has a Blue Flame burning in a cauldron inside. A YOUNG BERNIE stands on a ladder, putting up a sign. He looks to a VERY PREGNANT Cinder who smiles, so proud. CINDER (V.O.) It was hard living, but your father began to build a life for us. We put everything into it. But then a great storm came. There's a PULSE of wind and Bernie and Cinder's flames flicker ominously. Worried, they look up to the sky and see a large dark storm above the rooftops. And then it hits them -- FEROCIOUS WINDS. SOON AFTER, inside the shop, debris crashes down, knocking over the cauldron with the Blue Flame. Thinking quickly, Bernie thrusts a lantern into the Blue Flame to capture it. They huddle together as the building collapses around them. LATER, they stand in the rubble, devastated. We can see the destruction isn't everywhere... some buildings were lost like theirs, others are only slightly damaged. CINDER (V.O.) All was lost for us. LATER that night, Cinder sleeps on the floor, but Bernie is awake. He looks to his lantern with the Blue Flame he saved and prays to it then looks to pregnant Cinder. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 40. CINDER (V.O.) Your father understood... (painful memory, but resolute in the decision) We HAD to leave... everything. Our home. After a moment, he gets his answer -- a LOOK OF RESOLVE crosses his face. LATER, we find Bernie and Cinder on the beach. They walk toward a boat, about to leave for their new life. CINDER (V.O) It was the only way to create a better life! As they board, Bernie looks back at his parents. Stoic, they watch him leave. The boat pulls away from the shore and Bernie and Cinder watch their homeland recede in the distance. CINDER (V.O.) It was the last time your father ever saw his family. INT. BERNIE'S SHOP - BACK TO SCENE Fade back to the basement, Bernie somberly mops up puddles as Cinder finishes the story. CINDER That is why we came here. To build all this. Ember is floored. She looks at the brochure from Fern, then tucks it away and walks over to Bernie with resolve: EMBER �shf�... nothing will happen to this shop or the flame again. I promise. Ember takes the mop from her father. He smiles and places his hand on her cheek. BERNIE Mm. Good daughter. EXT. CITY HALL - THE NEXT MORNING Elements bustle outside City Hall during the morning commute. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 41. INT. CITY HALL - HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS Wade listens to music on his way into work. The sound waves from his headphones vibrate through his head. He's deep into it, eyes closed, as he approaches the entrance to his department. He doesn't see a FIRE burning on the floor next to the door. It catches his bag on fire. Wade looks down, shocked! WADE Ah! Fire. Fire! Ah! Fire! He pats out his bag, then starts to stomp on the fire. Suddenly EMBER stands up, emerging from under a chainmail blanket... the fire was her. EMBER Hey HEY! WADE Oh. Sorry! (checking his burnt bag) You're so hot! EMBER (raised eyebrow) Excuse me? WADE No! I mean like you're smokin'! No, I didn't mean it like tha-- EMBER Are you done yet? Wade is dripping. WADE Yes please. EMBER I'm waiting to talk to your boss. So make like a stream and... flow somewhere else. Ember settles back down on the ground. WADE Actually, Gale won't be in today. She's a HUGE airball fan and the Windbreakers are finally in the playoffs! Toot Toot! �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 42. Ember is unaffected by Wade's enthusiasm. She flares up in frustration. EMBER UGH! WADE Okay... Well, I just came by because I left my passes for the game here last night. Wade starts to walk away but Ember perks up. EMBER Passes? Like, plural? He turns back. Then it hits him, is she serious? EXT. CYCLONE STADIUM - LATER Ember and Wade walk up the Wetro stairs into the middle of the busy Air District. Ember is intimidated by the crowds of AIR BALL FANS flooding into the entrance of CYCLONE stadium. She pulls her hood tight around her flame. The marquis reads WIND BREAKERS VS CROPDUSTERS. INT. CYCLONE STADIUM - AFTER Inside, it's a huge, amazing space. Like Madison Square Garden on steroids. High above, CLOUD PLAYERS battle mid game, passing a ball toward a hoop. Ember enters with Wade. She has never seen anything like it. She is WAY out of her element. EMBER Where is she? WADE Up there, in that skybox. Wade points to one of the sky boxes where GALE, Wade's supervisor, sits. She's a storm cloud, complete with lightning, and is completely engrossed in the game. GALE Come on! Ember steels herself: �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 43. EMBER (breath) Okay. EMBER (action hero) Time to cancel some tickets. They walk towards Gale's box, passing a drink vendor. TOOT TOOT JUICE VENDOR Toot toot juice! Getcha toot toot juice! Toot juice! Getcha toot toot juice! They get to the row behind Gale's box. Everyone sitting there is Water. WADE (super encouraging) You'll be great! This way. Wade walks down the row. Everyone seems to know him. Ember gets a look of determination on her face -- she's not going to fail! She then does that tight walk you have to do in stadiums where everyone has to stand to let you through. EMBER WADE Excuse me. Sorry. Pardon. Oh (greeting friends) sorry. Fire girl coming Jimmy, what's up? Wendy! How through. good is it to be here? The Water Elements start to boil as she passes -- she's desperate not to hurt anyone. They take their seats behind Gale's box. Gale yells at the game, getting THUNDERY. GALE Break some wind!! Ember clears her throat and calls to her: WADE Hi Gale. How you doing? Gale glances back at her. GALE Look at the score. What do you think?? She turns back to the game with a rumble. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 44. GALE Blow the BALL not the GAME! EMBER (breath) Yeah, so uh, Gale. My name is Ember Lumen. My family runs a Fire shop... Wade wrote us a bunch of tickets yesterday and-- BUZZER! Game going south. Gale gets stormier, her winds blow in Ember and Wade's faces. GALE What kind of call was that??!! (half-paying attention) Lumen? Yeah, Fire shop with thirty citations... EMBER (shocked to Wade) Thirty?? Wade shrugs apologetically. Ember turns back to Gale. EMBER Anyway, friend, I was hoping we could work something out-- BUZZER again! Gale erupts. GALE Come on Ref! ARE YOUR EYES IN THE BACK OF YOUR HEAD?? The AIR REF'S eyes literally pop out the back of his head as he GLARES at Gale. WADE Oh no! But not reading the mood, Ember tries again. EMBER Yeah bummer, aww yeah. Okay, so the 30 citations-- Gale whips around to face Ember, annoyed. GALE Do you mind? There's a GAME going on. As she turns back toward the game, �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 45. GALE Fireball. This gets to Ember. Her flame starts to spark and roil. EMBER Fireball? She steps in front of Gale's box, between her and the game. EMBER (getting annoyed) Actually, I do mind. This is my LIFE we're talking about. Not just some game. Gale THUNDERS huge with LIGHTNING. GALE "Some game?" This is the PLAYOFFS. So forgive me if I don't want to hear a sob story about the problems of some little shop. Ember's flames get bigger too. We see licks of PURPLE. EMBER Well that "little shop" matters WAY more than a bunch of over-paid cloud puffs blowing some ball around. Ember and Gale are nose to nose. GALE I dare you. Say "cloud puffs" one more time. EMBER (in her face) Cloud. Puffs. Ember blows away Gale's nose. Gale furious, growls back. Ember's fire ROARS. They angrily stare each other down as tension quickly builds. The crowd boos. WADE Oh no! Gale's eyes dart to the game. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 46. Huh?? Ember looks to the game. WADE Lutz! LUTZ, one of the players, tries to block the play but fails. The home team is scored on again. As the crowd boos, Lutz's spirit sinks. WADE Lutz man, he's been in such a funk `cause his mom has been sick. Lutz has the ball stolen from him. The crowd keeps booing. WADE That is so not cool. He's doing his best. Wade suddenly stands and shouts. WADE We love you Lutz! Ember ducks and looks away from him. WADE LUUUUTZ! Wade starts gesturing to the fans around him to join the chant. WADE We love you Lutz! We love you Lutz! C'mon! We love you Lutz! Everybody! CROWD WADE We love you Lutz! We love you (with the crowd) Lutz! We love you Lutz! We We love you Lutz! We love you love you Lutz! Lutz! We love you Lutz! We love you Lutz! Lutz looks over at their section, clearly touched. The whole stadium picks up the cheer. Then Wade starts an ACTUAL WAVE of Water People that goes all the way around the stadium. WADE Whooooooaaaaa... �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 47. CROWD (doing a wave) Whooooooaaaaa... Ember opens her umbrella just as the wave SPLASHES OVER them. ON THE COURT, Lutz is energized. He blasts up to the top of the stadium and SLAMS the ball into the net for a score. The crowd goes wild. Ember even gets caught up in the moment. It's a stadium ELECTRIFIED! EMBER (cheering) Ah, yes! Yes! WADE (cheering, celebrating, tearing up) Woo! Way to go Lutz! Lutz holds his arms up - success! WADE (cheering) Yeah Lutz! That was amazing Lutz! Wade high-fives everyone around them. WADE (high-fiving) Uh! Yeah! Yeah! Yes! Ember looks at Wade, amazed at what he just did. WADE Woo hoo! Wade tries to high five her, she instinctively leans away. WADE Oh. He high fives himself. EXT. CYCLONE STADIUM - LATER JUMP AHEAD to the front entrance. Rowdy Elements pour out of the stadium, cheering. We find Gale celebrating. Ember walks next to her. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 48. GALE Wohoo! What a comeback! REVEAL Wade covered head to toe in Windbreakers merch, including two foam hands, a puffy wig and cloud-shaped glasses. WADE Check out who found the gift shop! Woo! Ember does a double-take at Wade with a smile... this guy is ridiculous, then to Gale: EMBER WADE I gotta admit that WAS pretty (still celebrating) cool. Uh! Yeah! GALE You can see why I can get all churned up. But as a "cloud puff" who used to come here with her dad, these wins mean a little bit more. EMBER And as a "Fireball" who's supposed to take over her dad's shop... (softening, not easy to say) ...I sure don't want to let him down... and I could use a win too. Ember's letting her guard down a little. EMBER Now I just gotta stop water from coming in-- GALE WATER? In FIRETOWN? EMBER Yeah? GALE Water was shut off to there YEARS ago. Forget the tickets, I'm gonna have to TAKE APART YOUR DAD'S SHOP to figure out what's going on!! EMBER YOU CAN'T! My dad put his WHOLE LIFE into that place! �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 49. GALE (angry detective, to Wade) ARGG. I bet this is connected to that fluffin' leak. WADE (to a freaked out Ember) Yeah, we've been trying to track down a leak in the city. It's why I was in the canal and--WAIT!! (to Gale) I know where I got sucked into Ember's shop! Ember and I could track the water from her shop to find the SOURCE OF THE LEAK! GALE Keep talking. WADE I could call in a city crew to fix whatever we find. EMBER (getting on board) Yes! And there'd be no need to touch my dad's shop! Gale thinks, then smiles at their hopeful faces. GALE You're lucky you're a cute couple. EMBER Oh, we're not a-- GALE You got until FRIDAY. If you can find the leak and get a crew to fix it by then those tickets are forgiven. If not? YOUR DAD'S SHOP gets shut down. Ember feels the weight of this. Gale flies up into the flowing air crowd, hooting, cheering: GALE WOOHOO! BREAK WIND! BREAK WIND! EMBER Thank you! Ember exhales... she got a reprieve. She looks to Wade. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 50. EMBER Please take all that off. WADE But I got you a hat! Wade puts the hat on Ember's head. We go wide to see a huge plume of fire and smoke explode above her. Back on them, that hat is gone and Wade's outfit is singed. WADE Okay. INT/EXT. BERNIE'S SHOP - NIGHT Ember and Wade walk up to the shop. EMBER Just keep outta sight, okay? It'd be a whole thing. They hear Bernie from inside the shop, he's livid. BERNIE Now water upstairs?? It's in the walls. Ember and Wade peer through a window. They watch as Bernie rips away a piece of wall revealing a leaking pipe. BERNIE I don't understand! I fix one pipe and another one leaks! Bernie pushes the Blue Flame away from the leak. BERNIE Ah, water! Bernie throws open the window. Coughing and letting smoke out. Ember and Wade plaster themselves to the wall. Bernie leaves the window. EMBER (whispered) How could it be worse? WADE Now that water's back, the pressure is forcing it up to ALL your pipes. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 51. EMBER We gotta find the source! They crouch down and peer into the basement. EMBER How did you even end up here? We follow a pipe going from the shop to the culvert and into the floor of the canal. WADE Well, I was in the canals checking the doors for leaks... EXT. CULVERT WORKSITE - FLASHBACK - DAY Wade, wearing a hard hat, stands near CULVERT DOORS, and a LARGE PUDDLE. WADE (V.O.) When I found some water that shouldn't have been there... He dips his finger in the puddle and tastes the water... WADE (smacks lips) ...rusty, with a hint of-- motor oil? SUDDENLY there is a RUSH of water. Wade is SWEPT OFF HIS FEET and SUCKED into a drain. WADE (V.O.) There was this WHOOSH of water. WADE AHHHH! WADE (V.O.) And I got sucked into a filtering system... Wade is knocked around a filtering system. WADE Help! THEN BAM! He's JAMMED into a pipe that's clogged with DEBRIS. WADE (V.O.) But then I heard this explosion... �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 52. SUDDENLY there's the VIBRATION that shook the pipe when Ember exploded. EMBER (O.S.) AHHHHHH! Wade's eyes grow in terror as he ALSO vibrates. The debris breaks up and FOOMP he's sucked in. WADE AHHHH! On Wade's face as he bursts out of a pipe. Behind him we see, through the distortion of the water, a blurry Ember... WADE (O.S.) That's how I ended up at your place. EXT. BERNIE'S SHOP - BACK TO SCENE Ember and Wade are where we left them. EMBER (dawning) Oh flame, my temper caused this. Ember looks down the seemingly endless canals. EMBER (overwhelmed by the odds) So we're searching for water "somewhere" in a canal?? Those canals go EVERYWHERE. WADE It's why tracking down that leak has been so dang hard. EMBER (gets an idea) The roof. CUT TO: EXT. ROOF OF BERNIE'S SHOP - SHORTLY AFTER Ember pulls a tarp off of the roof. Then, she melts a LARGE old chimney SMOKE CAP off it's stand. It topples over, almost hitting Wade. She attaches the tarp to the upside down smoke cap. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 53. EMBER You might want to step back. She climbs into the cap and flares up super bright and hot. The tarp inflates like a hot air balloon. Wade is astonished. WADE Holy dew drop! EMBER Shh. Get in. Wade scurries and climbs in as it starts to RISE. He stares at Ember with WONDER. They float above the rooftops of Firetown. It's gorgeous. Wade admires Ember's blaze. They're so close, his arm starts to boil. He takes a step away from her. We see the spot he was sucked in, there's a puddle. WADE Okay that's where I got sucked in. The camera PANS up the canal, following a trail of puddles. WADE More water. Go that way! Ember turns the balloon to follow the puddles. They pass a building... we hear giggles. EARTH PRUNER 1 (giggle) Right there. As they pass a darkened window, Ember's light illuminates two EARTH ELEMENTS picking each other's fruit. They FREEZE, caught. EARTH PRUNER 2 (giggle) Oh! EARTH PRUNER 1 Nothing weird going on here. EARTH PRUNER 2 Uh, just a little pruning. Wade and Ember stare as they float away. After a beat they turn to each other and burst out laughing. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 54. A moment of connection. Wade looks at Ember's amazing fire. She catches him, her light refracting in his water. WADE So, uh, what do you do at the shop if you don't mind me asking? EMBER My dad's retiring and I'll be taking over. Some day, when I'm ready. They float past glittering skyscrapers. WADE It must be nice knowing what you're gonna do. After my dad passed I got all "what's the point?" Now I just go from one job to the next. Ember gives him a sympathetic look. EMBER There's a word in Firish. T�sh�k'. It means embrace the light while it burns, cause it won't always last forever. Wade processes and tries to repeat it. WADE (quietly butchers it) Tee shook... EMBER (small smile, he's way off) Or something like that. BUT, just then, they round a large building revealing an older section of town. Ember sees a large, ornate but rundown building. Her face drops. Wade see it. WADE You okay? EMBER (no) Yeah. WADE You sure? She decides to open up, and points to the building. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 55. EMBER It's just... that building over there? That's Garden Central Station. EXT. GARDEN CENTRAL STATION - FLASHBACK - DAY We GO TO a FLASHBACK of GARDEN CENTRAL STATION. There's a big SIGN advertising a Vivisteria Tree -- a rare and exotic plant. YOUNG EMBER, holding BERNIE'S hand, excitedly runs up to the entrance. EMBER (V.O.) When I was a kid, my dad took me there because they had a VIVISTERIA tree. I'd ALWAYS wanted to see one. It's the only flower that can thrive in ANY environment. Fire included. They get in line with other ELEMENTS, eager for the exhibit. EMBER (V.O.) I was so excited. They approach the doors. But before they enter a GUARD stops them. EMBER (V.O.) But they said our Fire was too dangerous and they wouldn't let us in. The guard points to a "NO FIRE ALLOWED" SIGN. Bernie is FURIOUS. He yells and the guard yells back. BERNIE Tsh'� ts' sh� sh pf�kh! GUARD Go back to Fire Land! EVERYBODY laughs. Some jeer. MUSEUM GOERS (laughing, jeering) Burn somewhere else! / Get outta here! EMBER (V.O.) My dad was so angry, and embarrassed. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 56. CLOSE UP: Young Ember scared. INT. HOT AIR BALLOON - BACK TO SCENE Ember and Wade are where we left them. We're close on Ember, her eyes burning with anger at the memory. EMBER The building flooded a few years later. So I missed my one chance to see a Vivisteria. She turns to Wade. And to her surprise, he's tearing up. WADE You must have been SO scared. This takes Ember back, and momentarily disarms her. Almost as a kid she says: EMBER (softly) I was. THEN, she shakes it off, almost annoyed and amazed. EMBER How do you do that? WADE Do what? EMBER Draw people in! You got a whole stadium to connect with you. I-- I can't even connect with ONE customer. My stupid temper always kicks in. WADE I guess I just say what I feel. Ember deflates --this does not resonate at all. WADE And I don't think a temper is so bad. Sometimes when I lose MY temper... I think it's just ME trying to tell me something I'm not ready to hear. EMBER That's ridiculous. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 57. WADE Maybe... Suddenly Wade sees something! His eyes GROW with excitement. He points! WADE Hey, there! Put us down there! EXT. CULVERT - SHORTLY AFTER They land in the culvert and climb out and approach two GIANT WOODEN CULVERT DOORS that are broken and ajar. There's a gaping hole where they should meet. WADE That's not right. Wade dips his finger in some standing water and tastes it. WADE Motor oil! (then chipper) Yup, this is the source! They walk through the doors to investigate and head toward the main canal. EMBER Why's there no water? WADE Because the doors are broken. This is supposed to catch spillover from those main canals and-- Just then a giant cruise-liner rolls by and it's wake triggers a small tsunami over the canal walls. WADE --RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!! Ember and Wade run toward the culvert doors. Ember jumps through and climbs the door to RELATIVE safety, but Wade is caught on the other side, holding desperately to a broken part of the door. WADE Ahhhh! Help! Ahhhh!!! Thinking fast, Ember melts a piece of rebar off the door. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 58. EMBER Uh... She thrusts it toward him. EMBER Grab this! With great effort, Ember pulls Wade to safety. She looks at where the water is headed -- in the distance we can see the smoky tops of Firetown's buildings. EMBER (to herself) Firetown! She spots a pile of SANDBAGS on the raised edge of the canal. Without hesitation she leaps over the water and climbs to the bags, grabs one and calls out to Wade: EMBER Catch!! She swings the sandbag and throws it down to him. Wade turns just as the bag arrives BAM, knocking him to the ground. He gets up and, moving against the flow of water, carries the sandbag toward the doors. Ember lifts another. Water is still pouring through the gates. Ember stops to watch Wade. He holds a sand bag under one arm and uses his free arm to press against the deluge. His body undulates and he starts to grow in size as water fills him up! With super strength, he pushes back the flow. Ember watches from above, impressed. Wade heaves the sand bag at the base of the door opening. He's now ENORMOUS, waterlogged but powerful. He calls up to Ember. WADE Ember! Throw me more! They start to pile more sandbags. Ember throwing them down and Wade stacking them up. When the pile is high and the water stopped, they place the last bag together. They finish... Ember, looks at the sandbags, concerned. EMBER So, will this hold? �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 59. Wade pushes against the bags, testing the strength. WADE Yup. He turns to Ember. We see he has a clump of sand in his face. She can't help but look at it as he talks: WADE It should for sure. At least long enough for me to get a city crew to fix it before Friday. (sees she's staring) What? EMBER You've got a little... sand. Wade touches his face. WADE Oh. Here? Here? Ember points and reaches toward him, she almost touches his cheek. EMBER It's.. right there. Ember pulls her hand away. EMBER Um... Wade reaches into his face and pulls it out. WADE Oh. Thanks. They keep eye contact. It's almost intimate. Ember breaks away from it. EMBER Well... let me know when it's done I guess. WADE I'll make sure there's a city crew here by Friday. EMBER Okay, see ya. She turns and starts to walk off. Wade blurts out after: �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 60. WADE Wait! Ember turns back. WADE Any chance you're free tomorrow? To hang out with a Water guy? EMBER With a Water guy? My dad would boil you alive. WADE He doesn't have to know! We could meet in the city. I promise nothing weird... maybe a little pruning? EMBER Sorry. That's not going to happen. ON Ember as Wade, hopeful, watches her walk out of frame. WADE You smiled! I saw it! Tomorrow! I'll be at the Alkali Theater. Three o'clock! INT. BERNIE'S SHOP - NEXT AFTERNOON Flarry and Flarrietta sit at their regular table, playing Fire chess. Suddenly a drip of water falls from a pipe into Flarry's mug. They react: FLARRY Oh! Your ceiling is dripping again. Bernie GRUMBLES. BERNIE More leaks? Ember hurries over and gets on the table to melts the pipe shut. EMBER Don't worry. This whole problem is going away. I can feel it. She then sees the CLOCK, it's 3:00. She hops off the table. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 61. EMBER And since we're all good, I am also going away... to do deliveries! Bernie smiles as Ember rushes out. She passes Cinder on the way. INSTANTLY Cinder starts sniffing the air. CINDER Do I smell something on... EMBER?? She smiles HUGE. EXT. BERNIE'S SHOP - RIGHT AFTER Ember hurries out the door, checks to make sure nobody is following her, then turns to find herself face to face with Clod. CLOD Yo Ember! She jumps, startled, busted. EMBER Ah! Clod! CLOD I grew another one... He lifts his arm and, with great effort, a tiny flower pops out. CLOD Ow! He picks the bud and offers it to Ember. CLOD My queen. She touches the flower -- POOF! EMBER Oops, sorry! But, gotta go. She hurries off. BEGIN MONTAGE that spans several days: �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 62. EXT. ELEMENT CITY - ALKALI THEATER Wade waits for Ember outside the movie theater. The marquis says "TIDE & PREJUDICE." Wade lights up when he sees Ember coming. Overwhelmed, he starts to get teary. Ember cringes a bit. He pulls it together and they head in. INT. ALKALI THEATER Ember and Wade are in their seats. When the lights dim, the rest of the audience scowls at Ember's glow. She tightens her hood and sinks low in her seat. EXT. ELEMENT CITY STREET - PHOTO BOOTH Wade and Ember stop at a photo booth. They take a series of photos. When the prints come out we see Ember's light has completely blown out the exposure. All we can make out is two sets of eyeballs. INT. ELEMENT CITY BUILDING - ELEVATOR Wade and Ember board an elevator. As other passengers get on, they're forced closer and closer together. The doors close. As the elevator goes up, they're almost touching. Wade starts to bubble a little. INT. OBSERVATION DECK - CONTINUOUS They exit the elevator to an observation deck and look out on the city. A group of kids comes up next to them-- they are a little nervous about her fire. Ember blows smoke rings that become silly faces on the nearby buildings. The kids cheer and Ember takes a bow. Wade watches adoringly. When Ember looks back at him, he tries to play it cool. INT. BERNIE'S SHOP - DAY Ember is at the counter with an open notebook, drawing sign ideas. Lifting the book, she steals a peek at the photo strip of her and Wade. The Sparkler Customer steps up to the counter and lights a sparkler before buying it. Ember grabs the sparkler from him and begins to roil. But she quickly composes herself with a breath and calmly hands the sparkler back to the customer. As she looks down to steal a look at the picture of Wade, Bernie walks up, startling her. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 63. He almost caught her looking at the photo but she covers it up with a smile. When he walks away, Ember sighs with relief. Ember crosses off. Cinder darts into frame and sniffs. She then lifts Ember's book and looks at the picture, excited, intrigued. CINDER Who IS this guy?? EXT. OUTDOOR CAFE - DAY Ember and Wade sit at a outdoor cafe in a courtyard. A WAITER drops off two large mugs full of PINK LIQUID. Wade downs his in one gulp and turns purple. Ember goes to drink hers, but the drink boils away before it hits her mouth. Wade laughs. Suddenly, people around them start dancing. It's a FLASH MOB! Wade pops up and starts bouncing his stomach to the music. He gets Ember to join him in the dance. Other dancers start coupling off. Wade extends his hand to Ember. Ember backs away. She wants to take it, but knows she can't. Another dancer knocks Wade backward into the base of a fountain. He reappears spouting out the top. He strikes an elegant pose. Ember smiles. END MONTAGE EXT. MINERAL LAKE - DAY Ember and Wade walk around MINERAL LAKE. Crystals of minerals grow along the shore. Suddenly, Ember's flame turns GREEN. WADE Whoa. Pan down to reveal she's standing on a crystal. WADE How'd you do that? She picks up a crystal. EMBER It's the minerals. (then) Check this out. Showing off, she twirls onto another crystal and her flame turns PINK. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 64. WADE Awesome! Ember runs along the shore. Hopping between crystals, her fire changing into all the colors of the rainbow. WADE Wow. Smitten and wanting to share, Wade glances toward the water. WADE Watch this! He runs onto the surface of the lake and then skids spraying a fine mist into the air, creating a rainbow. He comes to a stop, standing in the water. She looks at him, aglow. EXT. FIRETOWN - EVENING Ember, deep in thought and glowing from the dates, walks under the elevated train which whizzes by creating a wall of water. She reaches out to touch it... could she? Is it possible? But she hesitates. The wall of water dissipates, revealing the shop. It's like reality interjecting in the moment. Ember heads to the shop. EXT. CULVERT - THE NEXT DAY Water trickles through the sandbags. Then a gush, as more water pours through and heads to Firetown. Clearly the bags didn't hold. EXT. BERNIE'S SHOP - LATER A steady stream of water runs through the culvert outside the shop. INT. BERNIE'S SHOP - SAME TIME Bernie struggles to make coal nuts. He turns to see Ember helping a customer with a smile on her face. FIRISH CUSTOMER S�b� sh sf�. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 65. EMBER Another? FIRISH CUSTOMER �shksh�. Ember reaches for a bottle on the top shelf but suddenly there's a RUMBLE and the shop shakes. An exposed pipe bursts. Water shoots out toward the Blue Flame. Bernie and Ember spring into action. EMBER No no no no no no! BERNIE The water is back?! They hurry to move the Blue Flame. Bernie starts to cough. Ember runs to melt the pipe together when we hear from O.S... DELIVERY PERSON (O.S.) Ember Lumen? Delivery for Ember Lumen? A DELIVERY PERSON enters with SIX VASES of flowers. And ine one of the vases Ember sees TWO EYES! Oh no! It's Wade! Cinder is so giddy some guy has sent Ember flowers, she doesn't notice the eyes. CINDER Flowers for Ember? Ember quickly finishes repairing the pipe. She runs over to collect the flowers before anyone notices. EMBER (rushing) Oh excuse me. Hehe, these are beautiful. I'm gonna go put these away. Arms full, she kicks open the basement door and darts into the basement... INT. BERNIE'S SHOP - BASEMENT - CONTINUOUS ...where she puts the vases on the floor. She hisses at Wade: EMBER What are you doing here? �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 66. As Wade explains, he pours the water from the other vases into his head. With each pour he grows taller and reforms. WADE I got bad news. The sand bags didn't hold. EMBER Uh, obviously! WADE Yeah. And I also got worse news. Almost back to form, he pulls his shirt into place and plucks flowers out of his head. WADE I'd forgotten a TINY detail about the last time I saw that city crew. INT. CONSTRUCTION SITE - FLASHBACK - DAY Wade is being scolded by his Earth Element EX-BOSS: EX-BOSS You knocked over three tons of cement dust. Half the guys still haven't recovered... REVEAL a group of angry WATER CONSTRUCTION WORKERS covered in cement, frozen like statues. All they can do is blink. INT. BERNIE'S SHOP - BACK TO SCENE Ember and Wade are where we left them. WADE ...I guess you could say they still have HARD feelings. Heh heh. Because they won't help us. EMBER Wade, Gale's deadline is tomorrow. We need more sandbags. WADE But that didn't work before. EMBER Well I can't just do NOTHING!! �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 67. JUST THEN the basement door opens. It's Bernie, coming down the stairs. BERNIE Ember, did you fix leak? Bernie sees Wade. BERNIE Huh? It's you again!! WADE Who, me? BERNIE You're guy who started all this! Bernie grabs a poker and swings at Wade. WADE (high pitched yell) Ahhh! EMBER No, dad! Different guy. Not all water looks alike. BERNIE (sees Wades badge) You are city inspector? WADE Uhh- EMBER No! (prompting Wade) Right?? WADE Right. I am not an inspector. Wade puts his hand over his badge, but his water MAGNIFIES the word "INSPECTOR." He tries again putting his other hand on top but it just magnifies the word even bigger. BERNIE You ARE inspector. Why you poking around? Is this because of water leak? EMBER No! Not because of water in ANY way. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 68. EMBER He's a different kind of inspector. Right?? WADE Yeah, yeah... I'm a... I'm a... FOOD inspector. I've come to inspect your food. BERNIE (annoyed, suspicious) Hmmm. (sotto to Ember) I think he's lying through his feet. EMBER (correcting him) Teeth. BERNIE Whatever! (to Wade) Food upstairs. Come. Bernie walks out. Ember shoots Wade a look. EMBER (hissing) Food inspector?? WADE I panicked! INT. BERNIE'S SHOP - RIGHT AFTER Bernie stands behind the counter, eyeing Wade on the other side. BERNIE You really food inspector? WADE As far as you know, yeah. Bernie SLAMS a plate of burning kol-nuts on the counter in front of Wade. Wade gulps. BERNIE Then inspect THIS. EMBER Dad... �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 69. BERNIE �... sh�tsh. Wade leans over the plate and quickly sniffs. WADE Yep, all looks good to me. BERNIE No no no no. Inspect with your mouth. Bernie takes a big bite and blows fire. Wade, terrified, scoops a kol-nut into a spoon and reluctantly brings it to his mouth. He blows on it, then takes his first flaming bite-- it sizzles all the way down his throat. Flarry, Flarrietta and other customers watch, holding their breath. The coal reaches his belly. Suddenly, Wade screams in pain. He quickly clamps his hands over his mouth to cover. But a giant bubble grows in his body and rises to his head and floats out of his mouth. The bubble floats across the shop and hits Bernie in the head. It POPS: WADE AHHHHHHHHHHH! Ember tries to cover. EMBER You see? He likes it. Wade coughs, miserable, but smiles and gives a thumbs up. BERNIE You must try these. Straight from Fire Land. Bernie pours a pile of coals onto Wade's plate. Ember realizes what her dad is up to. EMBER Dad. Those are too hot. WADE (croaks) I'm okay. I love hot food. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 70. Wade's in too deep. He takes another bite of flaming coals. His head quickly fills with huge air bubbles that immediately POP out of his face and force him backwards. He falls into shelf, spilling water all over the shop. BERNIE Hey! Watch your water! (then) So, did we pass? WADE Mmmhmmm. A-plus. (tastes his mouth, then) Actually... After the heat dies down, that's really good. (has an idea) If you don't mind... Wade grabs a mug and scoops up more kol-nuts. He then drips water on top of them with his finger. The coals go out with a HISS. Ember realizes what Wade is doing and tries to get his attention and wave him off. EMBER Mmmm mmmmm! Bernie watches, getting increasingly annoyed. Wade drinks. WADE (lip smacks) See, it's really tasty if you water it down a little-- Bad choice of words, Bernie EXPLODES. BERNIE Water us down? Water us down?!! Where's camera?! Bernie pulls out a camera and snaps a photo of Wade's terrified face. BERNIE We will NEVER be watered down by you. Get out!! Ember hurries out from behind the counter. EMBER Alright, sir. You gotta go. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 71. Wade sets the mug down and rushes for the exit. Bernie huffs and swears in Firish. BERNIE �sh � k'�� p�?! EMBER Dad, don't worry. I've got this. BERNIE Khshkff f� �kht' sh�b� ��! Ember runs out after Wade. EXT. BERNIE'S SHOP - CONTINUOUS JUST OUTSIDE THE DOOR, Ember catches Wade: EMBER (with resolve) Look, meet me at the beach and we'll make more sandbags. We have to figure out how to fix those doors. INT. BERNIE'S SHOP - CONTINUOUS BACK INSIDE THE SHOP, Ember finds Bernie still seething. BERNIE Water want to water us down? Then water no longer allowed in shop! He slams Wade's photo onto the wall under a sign, "BANNED." BERNIE He is panned! EMBER (correcting him) Um... banned. BERNIE Banned! Agitated, he starts coughing dark smoke. It's the WORST COUGHING FIT we've seen from him to date. Ember rushes to comfort him. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 72. EMBER �shf�, it's okay. It's all going to be okay. Ember, not so sure it's going to be okay, looks at Wade's photo, concerned. EXT. BEACH - SUNSET On the beach, the sun sets over the water. Ember shovels sand while Wade holds the bag open. WADE I don't think this is going to work. EMBER Well it won't unless you hold the bag straight. WADE Maybe your dad will understand. Ember SCOFFS and keeps shoveling. WADE I'm serious. Look, I know it can be tough. I mean with my dad... we were like oil and water. (deep regret) I never got a chance to fix that. (then) But you guys are different. It might be time to tell him. EMBER (increasing intensity) Yeah, right. And tell him what?? That I got us shut down and DESTROYED HIS DREAM?? On "dream" she FLARES PURPLE, melts the shovel and lets out a yell. Then collapses to her knees, distraught, her shields down. Her fire slows down and dims to a candlelight, soft, gentle. It's like we're seeing her INNER light... the same light from when she was vulnerable in front of city hall. Caustics reflect around her. And then the truth: �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 73. EMBER I think I'm failing. (then) My �shf� should have retired YEARS ago but he doesn't think I'm ready. You have no idea how hard they've worked or what they've had to endure, the family they left behind... (beat, her big question) How do you repay a sacrifice that big? It all feels like a burden... How can I say that? She hangs her head. EMBER I'm a bad daughter. WADE Hey, no. You're doing your best. She shakes this off, not ready to go deeper, then gets uncomfortable with the fragility she is showing Wade. EMBER (sniff) I'm a mess. She tries to collect herself and blaze up to cover her vulnerable light, but before she can: WADE Nah, I think you're even more beautiful. Ember smiles back at him, her flame growing bright again. She looks out at the ocean, the sun meets the horizon. EMBER Maybe you're right when you said my temper is me trying to tell me something. Wade notices where Ember is sitting, the sand is molten. WADE Whoa, look what your fire did to the sand. It's glass. Ember breaks off a piece of the glass, melting it in her hands. She forms it into a sphere and uses her fire to create a design inside, what she feels -- a fragile Vivisteria flower. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 74. WADE WATCHES mesmerized. WADE It looks like a Vivisteria flower. SUDDENLY Ember has a realization. EMBER I know how to seal those doors. She hops up and runs off, leaving the glass Vivisteria in the sand. EXT. CULVERT - LATER THAT NIGHT It's dark. Ember takes a deep breath and then puts her hand on the stack of sand bags holding the doors shut. There's an EXPLOSION of LIGHT and GLASS as Ember melts the sand bags and begins to seal the culvert door the newly created glass. But this is unlike anything we've seen from her... she's joyous, OWNING the experience... it's almost like watching a dance or someone paint with passion. She seems free and alive and is GLOWING with JOY... and her light is vulnerable, beautiful. Wade can't help but try to take it all in -- the glass, the caustics, her light. EMBER Yes! When she finishes, she and Wade stand back and admire her work. Ember is out of breath but her light is peaceful. Wade bites his lip trying hard not to cry. EMBER (scoff) Are you crying? WADE Yes. I've just never been punched in the face with beauty before. They share a moment. Suddenly the earth VIBRATES. An enormous boat passes through the canal, sending sheets of water into the culvert. They look to the glass as water RUSHES in... they're poised to run, and take a couple steps back. But the glass holds. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 75. It SPLASHES, then settles, only filling the very bottom of the culvert behind the doors. EMBER It worked! WADE I'll have Gale come by right after work. I'll let you know the second I hear anything. EMBER You think this'll be good enough for her? WADE Honestly? (concerned) It's hard to know. She could go either way. Ember nods, nervous. Wade takes something out of his pocket. WADE (remembering) Oh. Here... I saved this for you. He hands her the glass Vivisteria. Ember takes it in her hand. WADE It's special. EXT. BERNIE'S SHOP - THE NEXT EVENING Shimmering rays of light spill out of an upstairs window. INT. BERNIE'S SHOP - EMBER'S ROOM - CONTINUOUS And we see the light's source: Ember sits on her bed, secretly looking at the glass Vivisteria. Her light refracts through it and dances on the walls. Suddenly, she hears Bernie coughing downstairs. She quickly gets up. INT. BERNIE'S SHOP - RIGHT AFTER Ember runs down the stairs to see Bernie repairing a water- damaged wall. He's exhausted. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 76. EMBER �shf�, you okay? He sees her and smiles. BERNIE Yes. Yes. Just too much to fix. Ember pulls over a metal can and sits. EMBER I'll take care of it. YOU need to rest. And that's an order. Bernie salutes. BERNIE Yes, ma'am. They share a laugh. Then Bernie sits and takes his daughter's hands in his own. This is a big moment for him. BERNIE Ember, I see a change in you. Happier. Calmer with customers, and with that... (with disgust) inspector. He gestures to PHOTO of Wade on the "BANNED!" board. BERNIE Always putting shop first. You prove I can trust you. They stand and Bernie heads for the stairs. He stops to cough, then turns back to Ember. BERNIE I'm so lucky I have you. He goes upstairs. Ember smiles lovingly. All she wants is to please him. Then her face falls. She pulls out the "going out of business" flyer from Fern, then turns to the picture of Wade on the board. SUDDENLY: INT. BERNIE'S SHOP - CINDER'S MATCHMAKING OFFICE Dozing Cinder suddenly sits BOLT UPRIGHT and sniffs. CINDER Love! �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 77. EXT. BERNIE'S SHOP - LATER Ember gently closes the shop door and sneaks to her scooter and drives off, quietly. JUST THEN, Cinder exits the shop, sniffing. Her eyes dart around, suspicious. She turns in the direction Ember rode off and follows the scent. EXT. WATER DISTRICT - WADE'S MOM'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Ember parks her scooter and approaches the entrance to a tall, waterfall covered apartment building. She gulps at the splendor. As she approaches a WATER DOORMAN, Wade shows up and opens the door. He's THRILLED to see her. WADE Ember! You found it! Everything ok? EMBER Please tell me that you have some good news from Gale. EMBER I'm getting really worried about my dad. This has to break my way. WADE Yeah, I haven't heard from her yet, but she SWORE she'd call tonight. (then) Actually, my family stopped by for dinner? You, want to come up and wait for the call together? Ember pauses. Meet the family? That feels like a new step... EMBER Your family? AROUND THE CORNER, unseen by Wade and Ember, Cinder sniffs, still tracking Ember's trail. She suddenly stops in her tracks. She sees Ember talking to SOMEBODY -- but from her POV, she can't see who. EMBER Um... okay, I'll come up for a bit. Cinder ducks, peering over a ledge. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 78. BACK WITH Ember and Wade: the DOORMAN opens the front door and tips his hat. It's pretty ritzy. EMBER I'm sorry... You LIVE here? WADE It's my mom's place. EMBER Oh my gosh. Wade and Ember enter. Hot on their tail, Cinder hurries up to the building and tries to enter. The Doorman blocks her path. DOORMAN I'm afraid I can't let you in. Residents and guests only. Cinder pretends to leave, then suddenly does a spin dodge to get around the doorman, but he quickly extends him arm creating a wall of water. CINDER Ah, okay. I under-STAND. Cinder spins again in the other direction, but the Doorman creates a second wall of water with his other arm. CINDER You're surprisingly good at your job! DOORMAN You're surprisingly fast for your age. CINDER You have NO idea. Cinder suddenly spins her fire into a tornado! The Doorman gulps, concerned. INT. WADE'S MOM'S APARTMENT - CONTINUOUS The door is thrown open and Wade's mom, BROOK is there, gushing! BROOK Ember! Oh I'm so excited to finally meet you. (unsure) (MORE) �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 79. BROOK (CONT'D) Do we hug or... wave or... don't want to put you out ha ha. EMBER Um, a hello is fine. BROOK Hardly. Wade hasn't stopped talking about you since the day you met. The boy is smitten! WADE Mom! BROOK Oh, come on. I'm your mother. I know when something's "lighting you up." I just didn't know she'd be so SMOKEY! They all laugh. Ember stops sooner... not as funny to her. A beat. BROOK Come this way. Meet the rest of the family. Ember starts to follow but is stopped in her tracks when she sees the apartment is one big swimming pool with floating furniture. Brook steps into the pool and Ember hangs behind. It's an awkward moment. But, thinking fast, Wade grabs a floaty chair from the side of the room, and then fetches a welcome mat from the foyer. He places the mat on the chair. Solution! Ember cautiously steps onto the floaty. Wade carefully guides Ember into the living room, when Brook remembers: BROOK Oh honey! You won't believe what your baby niece did today! She... she smiled. Brook starts to tear up which gets Wade going. WADE No, she didn't. She nods. They both burst into tears. Ember watches, wide- eyed. What has she gotten herself into?? �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 80. INT. WADE'S MOM'S APARTMENT - DINING ROOM - LATER Ember and Wade follow Brook through a waterfall curtain. Wade holds his arm above Ember to keep her dry. We reveal the rest of Wade's family gathered around an inflatable dining table. Everyone there is Water. Wade yells to the room. WADE Hey everyone! This is Ember! Everyone turns to them: ALAN Hey! WADE That's my brother Alan and his wife Eddy. EDDY Hi! ALAN And we got two kids that are swimming around here somewhere. (calling out) Marco! Polo! Two heads pops out of the water. One chases the other, slapping him with a pool noodle. POLO Hi Uncle Wade! Suddenly they see Ember. Whoa. They've never been this close to Fire. MARCO Do you die if you fall in water? Marco starts to shake Ember's floaty. EMBER Whoa! Wade is furious. WADE MARCO! Alan jumps in. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 81. ALAN (to Ember, embarrassed) Kids. Heh he. (dead serious) Don't hate us. Alan pulls Marco off and ushers the kids away. Ember regains her balance and smiles uncomfortably. Wade, feeling bad, leads Ember and her floaty over to the dinner table. WADE Anyway... that's my little sib Lake. And her girlfriend Ghibli. GHIBLI `Sup. WADE They're students at Element City School For the Arts. LAKE Yeah, following in Mom's wake. BROOK Oh nonsense, I'm just an architect. The real artist is my brother Harold. Reveal HAROLD, standing in front of a very large painting. HAROLD Oh, I just dabble in water colors. (dad joke) Or as we like to call them, "colors." He laughs at his own joke. Brook sets a dish down on the table and sits. As they talk, everyone takes a seat and the meal begins. BROOK Oh don't listen to him. He's a wonderful painter. One of his paintings just got in the Element City Museum's permanent collection. EMBER Wow. That is so cool. My only talent is "clean up on aisle 4!" �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 82. WADE Talk about being modest-- Ember's got an incredible creative flame! I've never seen anything like it. Wade looks lovingly toward Ember. Harold jumps in. HAROLD (loud and slow) I just have to say that you speak SO well and clear-- Wade shoots him a look. Ember keeps her cool. EMBER Hmph. Yeah, it's amazing what talking in the same language your entire life can do. HAROLD (embarrassed) Doh! Alan tries to break the tension. ALAN Uh, hey Ember, did Wadey here ever tell you that he's deathly afraid of sponges? EMBER (intrigued) No. FLASHBACK: INT. KINDERGARTEN HALLWAY - DAY WADE (V.O.) I was traumatized... A five-year-old Wade is walking down the school hallway when a janitor drops a large sponge. Curious Wade hangs back and tentatively pokes it. Wade reaches out and touches it with his finger-- it immediately starts to suck in his water. Panicking, he tries to pull away but the suction is too strong and it soaks him up entirely! �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 83. Close on the sponge with little Wade's terrified eyes peering out. BACK TO PRESENT: Everyone except Wade is cracking up, especially Ember. BROOK I still can't use a sponge around him! WADE I was stuck in there for hours! As he laughs, Alan pours from a glass pitcher, but it slips out of his hand and SHATTERS. ALAN Oh! BROOK Alan! That was new! Ember quickly picks up a couple shards of glass and blows on them, melting them together. ALAN My bad. I'm all whirlpools tonight... EMBER I can fix it. Without thinking, she gathers all of the pieces and heats them up, melting it into a glowing ball. She then blows into it, shaping it, working it. And we see her light grow vulnerable, prismatic, caustics shining, just like at the dam. She molds the glass into a gorgeous, colorful piece of art. She sets down the pitcher, lost in the moment, and doesn't notice that the whole family watching mesmerized. She looks up: EMBER Oh, uhm... Self-conscious, she ZIPS up her fire. EMBER Sorry. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 84. HAROLD (blown away) That... was... incredible. The family explodes in applause. Ember tries to cover how flattered she is. EMBER It's just melted glass. BROOK Just melted glass? Every building in the new city is built from "just melted glass." Oh no, you have to do something with that talent. Ember looks to the city through the floor to ceiling windows - - it's glistening with lights, glass... it's beautiful. Wade leans to her and whispers. WADE See, I told you you're special. She smiles. It's a lovely moment. Then Wade suddenly gets an idea! An actual bubble floats up through his head... WADE (gasp) Ooh, thought bubble! WADE Maybe after dinner we play "The Crying Game?" Everyone is thrilled with this suggestion. Ember smirks. EMBER Let me guess: you TRY to cry? WADE We try NOT to cry. INT. WADE'S MOM'S APARTMENT - SOON AFTER Everyone is gathered in the living room. It's game time. As Wade turns over an hourglass timer: WADE You have one minute. Go! Brook and Harold face off against each other. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 85. HAROLD 1979. November. You were-- Brook bursts into tears. Her team throws their hands up, the other team celebrates. Ember smiles, this is kinda fun. BROOK (bawling) --Never got a chance to say goodbye to Nana. Damn, you're good. HAROLD Okay, Ember, Wade, you're up. Ember and Wade face off. EMBER Yeah this is almost unfair. Because I have literally never cried. You got no chance. WADE Sounds like a challenge. As Harold flips the timer: HAROLD Ready, go! WADE Butterfly. Windshield wipers. Half a butterfly. Everyone tears up. Ember is unmoved. WADE Okay. An old man on his deathbed. Remembers the summer he fell in love. She was out of his league and he was young and scared. (sniff, tearing up) He let her go thinking surely summer would come again. (sniff) It never did. Ember is still unmoved. HAROLD (sniffling) Almost out of time. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 86. Wade smiles at Ember, then takes the plunge and be honest. This is no longer about the game, it's about telling her how he REALLY feels. As he speaks, his family leans in, captivated. WADE Ember, when I met you I thought I was drowning. But that light, that light inside you has made me feel so alive. And all I want now is to be near it. Near you. Together. We ZOOM close into Ember's eye. There is a small glimmering flame in her pupil... it becomes an impressionistic version of EMBER. She floats with WADE and they dance around each other... she sheds her outer light and we see her full vulnerable light as they spin. It's lovely. They reach out to touch hands, but Ember suddenly pulls back, the magic is broken. She falls away from him... PULL OUT and we see the same reflections on a LAVA TEAR DROP that drips out of Ember's eye, rolls down her cheek and into the pool. The entire family is caught up in the emotional connection Ember and Wade just made, stunned. Ember and Wade just stare into each other's eyes. And then, THE PHONE rings and the moment is broken. Wade rushes over to pick it up. WADE (into phone) Hello? Gale, hi. Ember tries to read his expression. INTERCUT WITH: EXT. CULVERT - SAME TIME Gale and TWO AIR CITY WORKERS stand skeptically at the glass- repaired doors. Gale does not look happy. GALE (you idiots) Glass?? You repaired it with glass?? Behind Gale an Air Worker punches the glass. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 87. AIR WORKER (efforts) Hey hey! GALE Hold the storm... Wade swallows hard. Ember looks nervous. Gale watches as another worker slams the glass with a large hammer, the glass holds. The workers give her a thumbs up. GALE TEMPERED glass? Solid as a rock. I like it. Consider the tickets cancelled. Wade hangs up, smiling, teary eyed with joy. Ember can't believe it. EMBER We did it!? WADE Yup! Ember pulls the brochure out her pocket and triumphantly burns it. WADE Awesome! Wade runs toward her, arms outstretched. WADE Wooo! Ember opens her arms, they're about to hug but stop themselves. EMBER WADE Oh! Um. Oh. (laugh) Suddenly, Polo pops up behind Wade and smacks him HARD with a pool noodle. WADE (pained) Oh! �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 88. INT. WADE'S MOM'S APARTMENT - HALLWAY - SHORTLY AFTER LATER at the door, Brook says goodbye to Ember and Wade. Brook holds the repaired glass vase. EMBER Thank you Mrs. Ripple. This was... this was really great. BROOK Yeah, it was. And I mean what I said about your talent. I have a friend who runs the best glass making firm in the world. During dinner, I slipped out and I made a call. And I told her about you. They're looking for an intern. It could be an amazing opportunity. EMBER For real? BROOK It's a long way from the city, but it would be an incredible start. You have a bright future. (then, re: vase) Look at me! I have an original Ember! Ember's expression falls. She smiles nervously and turns to go. WADE Hold up. I'll walk you out. Wade follows her out. EXT. WADE'S MOM'S APARTMENT - RIGHT AFTER The doorman, now a half-steamed water wall, but still holding strong, stands across from a still full-on-fire-tornado Cinder. DOORMAN (out of breath) I'm afraid you're still going to have to wait out here ma'am. Cinder's tornado slows to a stop. She tries to catch her breath, dizzy. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 89. CINDER (out of breath) And I'm afraid... I will throw up. Cinder staggers away from the building to recover. Behind her, Wade rushes to catch up to Ember as she hurries to her scooter and hops on. WADE Ember! Ember, hold up. What's going on? EMBER I can't believe she basically offered me a job. WADE I know! Could be cool! EMBER Yeah, super cool, Wade! I could move out and make glass in a far away city. Do whatever I want. WADE I don't understand. EMBER I'm going home. She starts her scooter. Wade, unsure what else to do: WADE Fine, then I'm going with you. Wade hops on the back of the scooter. EMBER Ugh! Ember GUNS the scooter and zips into the night. Wade hangs on for dear life. ANGLE ON Cinder, she whips around just in time to see them drive off. She's SHOCKED: CINDER A WATER guy?? EXT. BRIDGE ON EMBER AND WADE as they drive fast. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 90. WADE (yelling over the noise) Look-- My mom was just trying to be helpful! She doesn't know how excited you are to run the shop! EMBER (frustrated) Arrgh!! Ember guns it. They weave through traffic. The inertia and G- Forces stretch Wade out. WADE What is the matter?? EMBER Nothing! WADE Yeah? Because we're going like a thousand, and-- BUS! Ember SWERVES, Wade stretches from the force, splashing along the side of the bus. WADE Ah! EMBER You don't know me, Wade! Okay? So stop pretending like you do. They speed toward Firetown. WADE What is this about? EMBER Nothing. Everything. I don't know. It's... She SLAMS the brakes and SKIDS to a stop in front of the shop, the Blue Flame glowing from inside the dark windows. EMBER I don't think I actually DO want to run the shop, okay? THAT'S what my temper has been trying to tell me... I'm trapped. She gets off the bike and faces the shop. Wade joins her. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 91. EMBER (looking at Flame) You know what's crazy? Even when I was a KID, I would pray to the Blue Flame to be good enough to fill my father's shoes someday. Because this place is his dream. But I never once asked... what I wanted to do. (sigh) I think that's because deep down I knew it didn't matter. Because the only way to repay a sacrifice so big is by sacrificing your life too. Wade stares at Ember. SUDDENLY we hear: CINDER Ember! We see tiny, distant Cinder up on the train platform. CINDER Don't move!! EMBER Oh, blaze! My mother. Cinder hurries down the stairs and runs up to them, exhausted from the chase. EMBER Mom, it's okay. He's just a friend. CINDER Si-- (breathes heavy, finger up, then) SILENCE! I could smell you from over there! You stink. EMBER What are you talking about?? CINDER YOU know what I'm talking about! Ember sniffs herself. EMBER You're smelling love on me? �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 92. Ember glances at Wade... is she... in love? CINDER (a warning) If your father find out. (then) Fire and Water cannot be together! I prove it! Come with me. Cinder goes into the shop, gesturing for them to follow. INT. CINDER'S MATCHMAKING OFFICE - SOON AFTER Ember and Wade sit across from Cinder, two sticks stand on the table between them. CINDER I splash this on your heart to bring love to the surface! Cinder ANGRILY splashes Ember with oil. Then, she FURIOUSLY splashes Wade, leaving a little oil-slick. He flinches at first but then enjoys it. WADE (pleasant) Mmmm. Cinder gestures to the sticks. CINDER And then you must light these with your fire and I read the smoke. Ember sniffs herself. Then she lights a stick. Cinder turns to Wade and gestures smugly. His turn. He looks at his finger. No way to light the flame. CINDER See, Ember, it cannot be. Wade gets a thought. WADE Actually... He stands between Ember and the sticks. EMBER (sotto) What are you doing? �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 93. He pulls up his shirt and refracts Ember's light through his torso, causing a magnifying glass effect. He focuses the beam of light onto the stick. And it works! The stick lights and starts smoking, surprising Cinder and Ember both. Everyone watches as the intermingling smoke turns into a double-helix. Cinder can't help but read the smoke. Ember watches her mom... could it actually tell them something? They are all caught up in the moment when suddenly we hear: BERNIE (O.S.) Cinder? Who down there? Ember's eyes grow in horror. EMBER It's my dad. You have to go! INT. BERNIE'S SHOP - RIGHT AFTER Cinder and Ember rush Wade out the front door just as Bernie enters from upstairs. WADE Wait, are we a match? Cinder SLAMS the door -- Wade's hand gets momentarily caught. WADE Ahhh! Bernie approaches from the other side of the shop, unaware. BERNIE What's going on? I wake up and nobody upstairs?? After a struggle, we hear Wade escape. Ember tries to cover: EMBER It was just me. I was... double checking the locks. And mom came down and... CINDER Yes and we... (bad lying) ...began looking at this door. We don't talk about this door enough! �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 94. EMBER (hissed, sotto) Pull it together! Bernie smiles. BERNIE Well, since you are awake... I was going to tell you tomorrow, but... I'm too excited to sleep. In two days... I retire! EMBER Oh! CINDER Oh Bernie! EMBER (this is shocking) Two days? BERNIE Yes. BERNIE We're going to throw BIG party. A grand reopening! Bernie takes Cinder by the hand and spins her. BERNIE That way I can tell whole world my daughter take over. Cinder is overjoyed. Ember looks sick to her stomach. BERNIE And I have gift for you. I've had this for awhile, but after our talk I know now is the time. Bernie walks to the counter and pulls out a large box. He puts his hand on it and pauses, getting serious. BERNIE Before I give it to you, I need you to understand what it means to me. EXT. FIRE LAND - SHORE - FLASHBACK We're back in Fire Land. A group of Fire Elements watch as two figures, Bernie and Cinder, walk toward a boat. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 95. BERNIE (V.O.) When I left Fire Land, I gave my father the "B� Ks�," the Big Bow. Bernie turns back toward his parents and does the CEREMONIAL Bow -- on his knees, arms outstretched. BERNIE (V.O.) It is the highest form of respect. But my father did not return the Bow, did not give me his blessing. A heartbroken Bernie, still in the bow, looks to his stoic father. BERNIE (V.O.) He say, if we leave Fire Land, we will lose who we are. Bernie hangs his head. INT. BERNIE'S SHOP - BACK TO SCENE Back to Bernie today, tears in his eyes. This is unresolved trauma. BERNIE They never got to see all of this. He gestures to the shop, to the shrine. BERNIE They didn't get to see that I NEVER forgot we are Fire. This is burden I still carry. Cinder wells up. Bernie is NEVER this open about his emotions. BERNIE Ember, it is important that you know you have MY blessing every day you come in here. So I have this made for you. Bernie opens the large package: It's a neon sign for the shop that reads: EMBER'S FIREPLACE. Ember's eyes widen, stunned. Bernie beams with pride. EMBER Wow, �shf�. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 96. Bernie flares up, excited, full of YOUTHFUL energy. BERNIE It's gonna be big, bright! Everyone is gonna see this. EMBER'S FIREPLACE! We unveil it at grand reopening! CINDER Come Bernie, you need your rest. Cinder leads Bernie away, but turns back and SHOOTS EMBER a look as they go. LATER, Ember sits on the floor, alone in the shop, staring at the sign, turning it on and off. Her flame dims and she quietly starts to cry. EXT. CULVERT - THE NEXT DAY A boat goes by and a WAVE of water spills into the culvert. We see that the glass dam still holds, but water is almost to the top, creating enormous PRESSURE. A TINY crack appears. INT. BROOK'S APARTMENT - HALLWAY - THAT EVENING There's a knock on the door. Wade opens it and is thrilled to find: WADE Ember! So what'd your mom say? About our reading? She's subdued, holding a box. EMBER Nothing. Look, I have a gift for you. Wade steps out into the hall. Ember hands him the box. He reaches in and pulls out the Vivisteria glass. WADE And you came all the way here to give it to me? (then, realizing) Wait, why are you giving me gifts? Ember looks away. Wade gets it. She's ending things. WADE Oh no. No, no, no, no no. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 97. But he gets an idea... bubble, glass, Vivisteria... WADE Hold on. I think I have something to show you. (energized, excited) Just give me two seconds! And you're going to need a pair of boots! On Ember, puzzled. EXT. GARDEN CENTRAL STATION - SOON AFTER Ember and Wade walk toward a deserted GARDEN CENTRAL STATION, passing the VIVISTERIA SIGN we saw in Ember's flashback. It now has a banner over it, CLOSED. EMBER Wade, what are we doing here? WADE Just wait! They stop in front of a chain link fence. Wade takes off his shirt, throws it over the fence and then walks easily right through, diving back into his shirt on the other side. Ember also walks right through, melting the metal. WADE Why do they even have these? EMBER Eh, who knows. They continue on toward the station. The NO FIRE sign still stands in the entryway. Wade knocks it over. INT. GARDEN CENTRAL STATION - SUBWAY ENTRANCE - CONTINUOUS The station is decrepit. The TILE on the walls is broken and there are just hints it was once incredibly ornate. Entrance stairs from ground level lead down then vanish into a dark, flooded tunnel. Reveal Gale in front of the flooded tunnel. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 98. GALE Hey! It's my favorite fire ball! Ember is puzzled. EMBER Hey Gale... what's going on? WADE I know you think you have to end this but.. (re: water) That flooded tunnel? It goes to the main terminal. EMBER O-kay? WADE Do you still want to see a Vivisteria? Ember is shocked... for real? Wade gestures toward GALE. WADE Gale? Gale BLOWS a HUGE bubble in the water, big enough for Ember to get into. She holds the bubble closed at the water's surface. Ember's eyes widen as she realizes what Wade's thinking. EMBER Wait, I'm supposed to get in there? WADE The air should last... GALE least twenty minutes. Ember looks to Wade, hesitant. WADE THEY said you couldn't go in there... Why does ANYONE get to tell you what you can do in your life? Ember looks at the bubble, then back to Wade. He gives her an encouraging nod. She steps to the edge of the water... and jumps in. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 99. Inside the bubble, Ember opens her eyes - it worked! EMBER Whoa. Getting her bearings, she looks out from the bubble down the long dark passageway. Wade swims around and gives her two thumbs up. He grabs her bubble and starts swimming them deeper. From the surface, Gale waves. INT. SUBWAY TUNNEL - UNDERWATER - CONTINUOUS Wade holds Ember's bubble and swims them down the staircase. Ember looks to Wade who gives her a reassuring smile. They reach the bottom of the stairs and emerge into an old train station. Ember's light illuminates the walls. It's gorgeous. Somehow, preserved under water, is the opulence of another era... beautiful tile walls, vaulted ceilings. Ember looks up at the GARDEN CENTRAL STATION platform sign. Wade and Ember explore an old subway car, looking through it's windows into the interior. Ember's glow lights up their surroundings and startles a school of fish. They swim at Ember, swirling around her bubble. Ember and Wade follow the fish up a staircase. It opens up into the GRAND BALLROOM of the station. And in the middle of it, growing in the double-helix, is the DORMANT Vivisteria plant. No flowers. Wade and Ember are entranced at seeing it. Wade pushes Ember closer and as her light hits the vine, the bud closest to them BLOOMS. EMBER (whispered) A Vivisteria. Ember's light grows almost entirely prismatic, casting caustics. They're both in awe. They swim up the vine. As Ember's light hits the plant, more flowers bloom. Another cloud of fish sends Ember's bubble spinning. EMBER Whoa. More BLOOMS. She glows brighter and the vine EXPLODES with flowers. They swim together through the vines. Ember reaches toward the flowers. It's a shared, magical moment. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 100. BUT suddenly the bubble begins to shrink around Ember as air is used up. The bubble's wall touches the top of Ember's flame. EMBER Ouch! WADE Hey! You're running out of air! Ember is alarmed. Wade looks around and spots an exit. He swims her shrinking bubble as fast as he can up the stairwell. As Ember's bubble gets tighter, she starts to hyperventilate, burning up what little oxygen she has left. WADE Almost there. Try to breathe slow and steady. Ember nods and manages to slow her breathing down as Wade pushes her up. Wade swims with all his might. They see light-- they must be nearing the surface. They break through just in time. EXT. MINERAL LAKE - OLD SUBWAY ENTRANCE - CONTINUOUS Ember and Wade burst out of an old entrance at Mineral Lake. They lay there breathing heavily. Wade looks at Ember, worried. WADE I'm so sorry, I should never have-- She springs up onto her feet. EMBER Are you kidding? That was amazing. I finally saw a Vivisteria! Wade stands and walks toward her. WADE It was inspiring. You were inspiring. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 101. Ember looks at him, suddenly serious. Wade just stares into her eyes, calm. He holds his hand out to her. EMBER No. Wade, we can't touch. WADE Maybe we can. Ember furrows her brow. She takes a few steps away and stares at the water. EMBER No. WADE But can't we just prove it. She turns back to Wade. EMBER Prove what? WADE Let's see what happens, and if it's a disaster then we'll know this would never work. EMBER But it actually could be a disaster. I could vaporize you. You could extinguish me. And then-- WADE Let's... let's start small. Wade holds his hand out to Ember. After a moment, she tentatively reaches towards it. She hovers her hand over his. Her hand flickers and his starts to bubble. She tries again. Placing her palm in his, they TOUCH, in awe. Water boiling, steam, chemistry. They're touching and they're okay... equalizing. His water gently simmers from her heat. She pulls her steaming hand away and examines it. She looks to Wade, also inspecting his hand. They step closer and press their fingertips and then their full palms together. Wade's water pushes back to match the strength of her heat. Their hands find a tingly equilibrium. It's a magical moment, a coming together like a kiss. They lock eyes then grasp both hands and lean in. In each other's arms, they dance. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 102. WADE (intimate, soft) I'm so lucky. SUDDENLY there's a quick POP: -- A tired Bernie from before, heading upstairs to bed: BERNIE I'm so lucky I have you. MORE flashes: -- Ember and Bernie at the Blue Flame together. -- Ember helping a tired Bernie up from the counter. -- Bernie and Ember sharing a warm hug. -- Ember's new SIGN. OUT OF FLASHBACK Ember ZIPS up her fire, covering her vulnerable light, and pulls away from Wade. EMBER I have to go. She runs away along the lake path. WADE Wait, what? Where are you going? She hurries up the Wetro stairs and Wade follows. EMBER Back to my life at the shop. Where I belong. I take over tomorrow. Wade jumps in front of her, stopping her. WADE Whoa whoa whoa, hold up. You don't WANT that. You said so yourself. EMBER It doesn't matter what I want. WADE Of course it does!! She moves past him, up the stairs toward the train platform. Wade, totally confused, follows. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 103. WADE Listen LISTEN!! You've got an opportunity to do something you WANT with your life! This stops her. She turns around. EMBER WANT? Yeah, that may work in your rich kid follow-your-heart family. But getting to "do what you want" is a luxury. And not for people like me. WADE Why not?? Just tell your father how you feel. This is too important. Maybe he'll agree. EMBER (scoff) Oh, ha. Yeah. There's no WAY she will do that. Wade sets his jaw. WADE Funny. And this whole time I thought you were so strong, but it turns out... you're just afraid. That hurts... and is probably true. Ember BLAZES. EMBER Don't you DARE judge me. You don't know what it's like to have parents who gave up EVERYTHING for you. I'm FIRE, Wade. I can't be anything more than that. It's what I am, and what my FAMILY is. It's our way of LIFE. I cannot throw all of that away JUST FOR YOU. WADE I don't understand! EMBER And that alone is a reason this could never work. As she boards the train, EMBER It's over, Wade. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 104. The train pulls away. Wade is left alone on the platform. INT. TRAIN CAR - CONTINUOUS Inside, Ember is about to cry. She takes a deep breath, then puts her hood on and armors up. EXT. BERNIE'S SHOP - THE NEXT EVENING The street outside the shop is set for a party. A stage has been erected, lights hung. The community has gathered for the big event. Inside the shop, Bernie lights a lantern, the one he brought with him from Fire Land, with the Blue Flame. Outside, Ember and Cinder sit on stage together. They all wear colorful, festive outfits. Ember smiles as Bernie exits the shop. He climbs on stage, places the flame on a pedestal, and takes the microphone. BERNIE Everyone. Welcome! It is good to see your faces. (getting emotional) I am honored to have served you. But it's time to move on. (to Ember) Come. Ember stands next to him. BERNIE My daughter. You are the Ember of our family fire... That is why, I am so proud to have you take over my life's work. A rope hangs on the microphone stand. Bernie take it in his hands and with a squeeze, he lights it. The rope burns like a fuse leading to decorations covering the sign on the front of the shop. There's a big BLAZE and when the fire passes we see that Ember's SIGN is lit up. Everyone applauds. BERNIE (winks to Ember) Pretty good trick, huh? Bernie then gently picks up the lantern and turns to Ember. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 105. BERNIE This is lantern I bring from old country. Today, I pass it on to you. People in the crowd are touched. Ember reaches to take the lantern, but hesitates. This is a big moment. But just as she's about to grab it: WADE (O.S.) I thought of other reasons. Ember looks up. A Wetro train passes and when the CURTAIN of water clears we see Wade, standing heroic. EMBER Wade? Ember is shocked. Cinder looks nervously at Bernie. CINDER (under her breath) Oh boy. EMBER What are you doing here? Wade walks toward her, entering the party. WADE You said me not understanding is the reason we can never work. But I thought of other reasons. A bunch of them. Like, number 1: you're Fire, I'm Water. I mean, come on that's crazy. Right? A guest near him nods. BERNIE Who is this? CINDER (bad lying) No idea. But Wade is focused in on Ember. He continues toward the stage. WADE Number 2: I'm crashing your party. Like what kind of a jerk am I? Ember is unflinching. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 106. EMBER A pretty big one. WADE Right? Number 3... I can't eat your... delicious foods! Wade takes a hot coal from Flarry and Flarrietta's table. He let's it boil down his throat. His head bubbles and pops. WADE (strained) VERY unpleasant. Bernie suddenly realizes: BERNIE (to Cinder) Wait, I know him! He is food inspector! WADE Oh right! Number 4! I'm banned from your father's shop. He steps closer. WADE There are a MILLION reasons why this can't work. A million "no's." But there's also one "yes." Ember is being drawn in. WADE We touched. Bernie and Cinder are shocked. WADE And when we did, something happened to us. Something IMPOSSIBLE. We changed each other's chemistry. They look deep into one another's eyes. Suddenly Bernie erupts, exasperated. BERNIE Enough! What kind of food inspection is this?? This yanks Ember back to reality. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 107. WADE A food inspection of the heart, sir. Bernie steps up to Wade, confrontational. Ember is frozen. BERNIE Who are you??? WADE (romantic to Ember) Just a guy who burst into your daughter's life in a flooded old basement. BERNIE So you ARE the one who burst the pipes! WADE What? Not me, it was... Wade's eyes unintentionally dart toward Ember. Ember-- no! Too late. Bernie turns to Ember. BERNIE (hurt, to Ember) You... you burst the pipe?? EMBER I, I... WADE Ember-- BERNIE Silence!! WADE No! (to Ember) Take the chance. Let your father know who you really are. Ember hesitates torn between Wade and Bernie. WADE Look, I had regrets when my dad died, but because of you I learned to "embrace the light while it burns." (perfect pronunciation) T�sh�k'. You don't have forever to say what you need to say. (MORE) �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 108. WADE (CONT'D) I love you Ember Lumen. And I'm pretty sure you love me too. Ember is torn between two worlds. She puts up her fire wall. EMBER No Wade. I don't. EXT. CULVERT - SAME TIME A CRACK suddenly appears in the GLASS DAM. EXT. BERNIE'S SHOP - BACK TO SCENE Cinder can't take it. CINDER That's not true! I did their reading! Everyone is shocked. Including Ember and Wade. CINDER Bernie, it's love. It's true love. EMBER No mom, you're wrong. Wade, go. WADE But, Ember-- FLARING UP HUGE. EMBER I DON'T LOVE YOU! EXT. CULVERT - SAME TIME Almost as if the power of her FLARE has reached all of Element City, another CRACK breaks in the dam and WATER starts to SPRAY out. It's going to BLOW. EXT. BERNIE'S SHOP - BACK TO SCENE Back on Ember. EMBER GO! �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 109. Wade, defeated, takes the GLASS VIVISTERIA out of his pocket and places it on the stage at Ember's feet. He turns and walks out, heartbroken. Bernie glares at Ember, devistated. BERNIE You have been seeing WATER?? He coughs. EMBER �shf� I-- BERNIE (betrayed) You caused leak in shop??? (deeply hurt) I TRUSTED YOU! Ember looks down, unable to confess. Bernie COUGHS more. BERNIE You will not take over the shop. (coughs) I no longer retire. Bernie grabs the lantern. He storms off the stage and into the shop. Ember crushed, looks down at the glass Vivisteria. EXT. BRIDGE - LATER CROSS FADE to Ember riding her scooter through Firetown and up onto the bridge. CUT TO her sitting on a bench, head hung. She's removed her ceremonial jacket. She stands and walks to the bridge railing. We see a FLASH of her and Wade, touching for the first time at Mineral Lake. BACK ON the bridge, Ember pulls the GLASS Vivisteria ball out of her pocket. She looks to Firetown, then to Element City. EMBER (to herself) Why can't I just be a good daughter? �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 110. She holds the GLASS Vivisteria ball to her forehead then pulls it away. A look of RAGE and FRUSTRATION crosses her face and she starts to throw it into the water, but she can't. She looks directly at the glass Vivisteria. We see her reflection WITH a reflection of Element City and Firetown. She is BOTH things. SUDDENLY... she hears a boom in the distance-- CUT TO the CULVERT, as the GLASS from the dam suddenly gives way. A wall of water POURS out. Its enormous force crumbles the sides of the culvert, toppling a towering windmill. BACK WITH EMBER as she sees that all of the PENT UP water RUSHING down the culvert right toward Firetown! A DELUGE is coming and it is heading right toward Bernie's Shop. EMBER Firetown! Ember starts her scooter and rushes off. INT. GRAND GATEWAY - SAME TIME An emotional Wade holds a ticket and addresses Brook, Alan, Eddy, Harold, Lake, Marco and Polo, who stand across from him. WADE Well, one way ticket to anywhere but here. BROOK Go! Travel the world. Heal that broken heart. Brook mimes holding a baby in her arms. BROOK (singing, tearing up) My little drip-drip-baby-boy. Tears flow down Wade's face. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 111. BROOK (crying) Drip drip drip goes the baby boy-- Harold interjects: HAROLD (tearing up) I made you a painting. It's of a lonely man awash in sadness. Harold hands Wade a painting that is LITERALLY Wade standing and crying, just as he looks right now. Wade bursts into tears. Everyone sobs. SUDDENLY, a siren. Wade instantly stops crying. Through a doorway, he spots steam rising up from Firetown. Oh no. WADE Ember. EXT. BRIDGE TO FIRETOWN - SOON AFTER Ember races her scooter across the bridge into Firetown. Ahead of her, water rushes down the culvert toward the shop. Ember sees her parents out in front, cleaning up from the party, and calls out to them: EMBER Mom! Dad! But they don't hear her. Ahead, the river slams into the elevated water train track. The track crashes down, spilling even more water. Determined, Ember speeds up and pulls off the bridge, racing the flood of water toward the shop. EXT. FIRETOWN - CONTINUOUS Water starts to fill the street. With dare-devil moves, Ember crosses the culvert. She speeds along the Firetown sidewalk toward the shop, calling out to the neighborhood: EMBER Water's coming!! �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 112. There's a panic as Fire folks seek safety. Ember speeds by, the flood at her heels. EMBER Watch out! Behind you! Climb! Climb! Flash flood! Hurry! Ember nears the shop and desperately shouts to her parents. EMBER Mom! Water! Get to higher ground! Cinder hears and grabs Bernie and pulls him to leave. CINDER Bernie! But the deluge catches up to Ember's scooter and the vehicle starts to hydroplane. Water splashes up on her leg. EMBER (wincing) Ow! The water in the street quickly gets too deep to ride the scooter. Ember leaps off onto a floating truck and looks ahead as water reaches the shop where she sees the flood of water lift up the stage from the party, carrying Bernie and Cinder with it. They cling to each other as they're tossed about. Bernie lunges toward the shop but Cinder stops him. BERNIE The flame! Let me go! Bernie then sees Ember, leaping from floating debris to floating debris, fighting to get to shop. BERNIE Ember no!! But Ember is on a mission. She gets to the front of the shop and takes one final, giant leap and lands, grasping the transom window over the shop's front door. INT. BERNIE'S SHOP - CONTINUOUS Ember climbs through into the shop and takes in the scene. Water is leaking everywhere, and right behind her around the front door. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 113. Ember shoulders into the door trying to stop it, but pressure builds -- spouts of water begin to JET through the WIDENING cracks around the door, AND FLOW toward the BLUE FLAME. Ember quickly grabs sandbags and throws them at the door. Standing on the bags, she presses her whole weight into the door, trying to hold the everything back, but the rising water nips at her feet. It's dire. SUDDENLY, through the glass of the door, TWO EYES appear. Ember is stunned to see Wade, smashed uncomfortably against the glass. The ROAR of the flood is deafening. EMBER Wade?? Wade gestures toward the door handle. WADE (muffled) Key-hole! Getting it, Ember yanks out the key and Wade painfully, squeezes through the keyhole... WADE Gahhhhhh!! ...and puddles on the ground. He re-forms and springs into action, joining Ember at the door. WADE (effort) I was hoping to make a more heroic entrance. Together, face to face, they hold back the door. EMBER You came back after everything I said. WADE Are you kidding? And miss all this? Ember smiles. Then sees that the water is almost at the BLUE FLAME. EMBER (to Wade) Hold the door! �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 114. She grabs more sandbags and races to the flame, leaping between shelves. She places sandbags in a circle around the Blue Flame. Then she FLAMES BIG and starts to make glass. EXT. BERNIE'S SHOP - SAME TIME The waters are VIOLENT... Bernie and Cinder watch as the shop sign tumbles off the building and SPASHES into the water. INT. BERNIE'S SHOP - SAME TIME As water fills the shop, Ember QUICKLY builds a glass shield around the Blue Flame while Wade does his best to hold back the door... but it's a losing battle... water begins to reach Ember's glass barrier. EMBER No, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. And the windows begin to burst from the pressue. The window in the door window behind Wade gives way. There's no holding it back. The water rises faster. The lantern from Fire Land, the one that carried the Blue Flame to Element City, is swept into the flow. So is the photo of Ember's childhood birthday. Wade reads the situation: WADE Ember we have to go! He strains as water pours in over his shoulders. WADE We have to go. NOW. EMBER I can't leave! The water is rising quickly toward the top of her protective glass cylinder. WADE I'm sorry to say this but the shop is done. The flame is done. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 115. EMBER No! This is my father's whole life. I'm not going anywhere! SUDDENLY, WATER SMASHES through a large window and POURS in, taking everything with it. A shelf topples and SLAMS into Ember's glass cylinder, SMASHING through the glass and into the flame. A rush of water forces the door open, knocking Wade over. Water and debris surround the Blue Flame. Ember climbs up on a box to avoid the rising water. She shouts to Wade, EMBER Throw me that lantern! As Wade swims for the lantern, he's knocked over by a huge wave. WADE Ah! Ember, the flame, and Wade are PUSHED VIOLENTLY toward Cinder's office in the OLD FIREPLACE HEARTH. INT. CINDER'S HEARTH - CONTINUOUS Debris SLAMS into the opening, sealing Ember inside... with the BASE of the Blue Flame... but the flame is out. Ember is horrified! EMBER No! CUT TO outside the hearth, everything in the shop is underwater. The birthday photo floats by. BACK IN THE HEARTH Ember looks takes in her situation. She's trapped and the Blue Flame is gone. It appears everything is lost. EMBER No, no no no no no. But just then, Wade climbs out from the debris holding a lantern lit with the Blue Flame. Ember is thrilled. EMBER Oh Wade! �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 116. EMBER Thank you, thank you. He hands it to her. She smiles, relieved. They share a moment. Then suddenly Ember flinches in pain. EMBER Ah! Water has seeped in through the pile of debris, and hit her leg. She looks up at the blocked entrance. Water is squirting through the cracks. She goes to the wall of debris and HEATS it up, flaring hot, melting metal to seal the cracks. And it works! The leaks stop... but Wade is boiling. WADE It's too hot in here. Oh no! They have to get out of there. Ember looks up the chimney stack - it's open to the sky. EMBER Climb! Ember starts to climb and Wade follows... EXT. BERNIE'S SHOP - SAME TIME The street outside is a river. A floating bus crashes into the side of the shop. The building shakes and the top of the chimney CRASHES DOWN. INT. BERNIE'S SHOP - HEARTH - SAME TIME Wade and Ember are inside the chimney as debris tumbles down around them. EMBER BACK UP BACK UP BACK UP! WADE Ah! They drop back down into the hearth. It's an even tighter space now, more filled with debris. And it's even hotter. Wade is steaming. Desperate, Ember tries to burn through the wall of debris. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 117. Wade reaches up and tries to move the bricks blocking the chimney, but they don't budge. EMBER I have to open that up! WADE No! The water will come in and you'll be snuffed out. EMBER But you're evaporating! I don't know what to do! WADE It's okay. EMBER No, it's not okay! Wade is boiling. She's horrified. He takes her hand. WADE Ember... I have no regrets. You gave me something people search for their whole lives. EMBER But I can't exist in a world without you! I'm sorry I didn't say it before. I love you, Wade. Steam surrounds them. Ember's vulnerable light casts caustics on the wall. Wade looks from her to the caustics around the room with a sense of peace. WADE I really do love it when your light does that. They embrace. All is silent. Steam fills the hearth. EXT. BERNIE'S SHOP - LATER Firetown is a wreck. Everything is soaked, so much is destroyed. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 118. INT. BERNIE'S SHOP - CONTINUOUS Inside the shop, the WATER has receded but everything we saw of Bernie's world is ruined. Bernie, Cinder and others work their way through the debris. FIRST CUSTOMER (O.S.) They're in the hearth! A large Fire Element clears debris away from the opening to the hearth. They pull aside the Blue Flame's base and we reveal: Ember. She's kneeling on broken bricks, hugging the lantern with the Blue Flame. Relieved, Bernie and Cinder move toward her. But they stop. She's not getting up or even turning toward them. EMBER Wade is gone. Cinder hurries over to her. CINDER Oh my daughter. EMBER He saved me. Bernie's face falls, he knows loss. Ember slowly stands, holding the Blue Flame, and she faces Bernie and finally says the most difficult thing she's ever said: EMBER Dad... this is all my fault. The shop... Wade-- I need to tell you the truth. Her flame grows dim, vulnerable. EMBER I don't want to run the shop. I know that was your dream, but it's not mine. I'm sorry. I'm a bad daughter. Ember hands the lantern to Bernie. He takes it, looks at it in his hand, then puts it down. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 119. BERNIE Ember, the shop was never the dream. YOU were the dream. You were always the dream. Ember looks up, surprised, moved, a burden lifted. She then hugs her dad, crying in his arms. There are no more lies. EMBER I loved him dad. Ember kneels, crying. Her light dims even more, cool, loving. Bernie's matches hers. Cinder joins them. A family, heartbroken, but one unit. Then... we hear a distant, familiar whimper. Ember breaks from her parents' embrace and looks into the hearth. And that's when we reveal CONDENSATION in the chimney. A SINGLE DROP of water falls from the ceiling into a bucket. Ember looks up at the condensation... no, it can't be. She gets an idea and says: EMBER Butterfly... She stares hopefully up at the ceiling. EMBER Butterfly. Windshield wipers. Half a butterfly. Another whimper. A few more drops fall into the bucket. Ember is energized... maybe it CAN be... EMBER An old man on his deathbed remembers the summer he fell in love... More drops. Water starts to pool. Ember gets brighter. We hear more faint weeping from WADE. It's working, Ember can hardly believe it. EMBER She was out of his league and he was young and scared. He let her go thinking surely summer would come again. It never did. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 120. Water is falling harder. Wade's cries are building. Water streams off the ceiling into the bucket. Cinder pieces it together. She looks up at the ceiling... CINDER You are perfect match... ten out of ten! More weeping, more rain drops. Bernie looks to Cinder. BERNIE I don't understand. What's going on? CINDER Just say something to make Water guy cry, okay? Bernie gives it a try. BERNIE Um, uh... you are no longer panned. WADE (whimpering) Banned. BERNIE Banned. Wade WAILS. Drops POUR. Ember, drops falling all around her, YELLS to the world: EMBER I want to explore the world with you, Wade Ripple! I want to have you with me, in my life. Forever! One more drop and then, they stop. The bucket is full. Ember peers into the bucket... two eyes appear. Then a smile. Wade stands up, alive! WADE Whoa. He turns to face them. Naked, he picks up his shirt from the rubble. WADE Your, uh, chimney needs cleaning. Everyone is stunned. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 121. And then Ember runs to Wade, throwing her arms around him. Then, they KISS! LIGHT shines through the room. It's breathtaking. Cinder beams. Bernie glances away. Ember and Wade break out to the kiss, look deep into each other's eyes and embrace. CINDER I KNEW it! My nose ALWAYS knows. Everyone laughs. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. FIRETOWN STREETS - MONTHS LATER TITLE: MONTHS LATER... Elements mingle on the Firetown sidewalks. Folks are fixing the last of the damage from the flood. The town is almost fully restored. INT. BERNIE'S SHOP - CONTINUOUS The fixed-up shop is busy. We see a fresh pot of Lava Java brewing. We find Clod on a ladder, wearing an apron, clearly now an employee. But he's not working, he's talking to an age- appropriate FIRE GIRL. CLOD If you were a vegetable, you'd be a cute-cumber. He holds up his arm, revealing a small cluster of blooms. He yanks them out and hands her the bouquet. CLOD (pained effort) My queen. We pick up Gale as she walks through, dressed in a Windbreakers jersey. GALE Uh! I can't believe I was gonna shut this place down. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 122. She backs up into an Earth Guy who we see is FERN with short, flowering hair. He's also wearing a Wind Breakers shirt. GALE Whoa! Sorry. (gasp, noticing) Fern? You're a Windbreakers fan? FERN Toot toot. Gale is immediately drawn to him. GALE Toot. Tooooooot. Flarry and Flarrietta stand behind the counter. FLARRIETTA Oy. You know what I like best about running this shop? FLARRY Not having to eat Bernie's kol- nuts! Pan to Bernie and Cinder sitting at a table. BERNIE (laugh) Sorry. I couldn't hear you through my retirement. Everyone BURSTS OUT LAUGHING... the laughing continues as we go outside... EXT. BERNIE'S SHOP - SAME TIME find Ember. She approaches, taking a beat to stand in front of the shop. She looks up, the original shop sign is back, without her name. INT. BERNIE'S SHOP - CONTINUOUS Ember enters quietly and watches the shop, full of life. GALE Ooh! The Fire Girl chases Clod past the counter. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 123. Ember watches everyone with fondness. Bernie feeds Cinder a kol-nut. Then, he sees Ember. They share a smile. A connection. But then Wade enters. He yells to the room: WADE Hey! Everyone happily turns to the doorway. BERNIE CINDER Wade! Hi Wade! FLARRIETTA FLARRY Wade! Hi Wade! CLOD Hey Wade! Yo yo yo! Wade turns to Ember... WADE Ember, it's time. Ember smiles, a little sad. EXT. GRAND GATEWAY - SOON AFTER Ember and Wade, luggage in hand, stand next to a large boat. Bernie, Cinder and Brook stand facing them. WADE You know, I'm not really one for tearful goodbyes. Brook bursts out crying. BROOK (sobbing) Oh Wade, you big liar. (singing) Drip drip drip... Wade joins her in the song. BROOK, WADE (starting to sob) Goes the baby boy. They hug, Brook lifting Wade up. They hold each other, ugly- crying. �2023 DISNEY�PIXAR - PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 124. Bernie and Ember exchange a look. BERNIE Uh, are you sure about this one? Ember smiles. EMBER I'm sure. (then, sincere) Dad, I'm sorry the internship is so far away. I mean it's the best glass design company in the world, but who knows if it'll become a real job. I'll be back in a few months anyway, and it might not end up being anything-- BERNIE Ay-yah, shhh. Go. Start new life. Your mother and I will be here. Now with more time for hanky-panky. Cinder gives his side a playful slap. CINDER �... sh�tsh! They all laugh. Ember and Wade walk to the boat. Wade starts up the ramp. Ember is about to take a STEP but pauses. She turns to her parents, smiles at Bernie, then sets down her luggage... and then gives the BIG CEREMONIAL BOW. Cinder gasps. Bernie, tears in his eyes, steps forward and RETURNS THE BOW. They have a moment -- a weight lifted for both of them. A blessing for father and daughter, and a trauma healed. Then the boat sounds its horn, and they stand. Ember picks up her bag, faces the boat and takes a deep breath. She STEPS onto the ramp and boards. The screen goes to BLACK.
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